Ok, I swapped for all of these.
Left to Right they are identified as.. Fuchsia, Fuchsia, Silver Fog, Silver Fog and I added Silver as comparison. I am trying to figure out which are the correct ones and which aren't. Thanks for any help!
The one with the flip top looks like my fuchsia. I"m not sure since I haven't used mine yet, but I'm guessing the texture of the middle silver one is silver fog?
The flip top looks like Fuchsia to me, and the second Silver Fog looks correct...the other one looks too chunky, but I don't know if it is juts bc of the picture or if it is really that way.
Ok, the flip top is def. MAC Fuchsia. I brought it in to the MAC store the other day. The other one is probably not even MAC. So... can anyone help me with the Silver Fog now?? Thanks!!
i'm quite sure that's copper metal. coco beach is a bit "clumpy" and darker in color than copper metal (very fine powder and doesn't tend to clump at all IMO). hth!
Originally Posted by bebs all girl
silver fog
silver metal
I'm going with this list. Silver Fog is definitely a chunky Pigment, so that third one is most likely it, and if the one next to it is as finely milled as it looks, it's Silver Metal.