Need help with e/s application


Well-known member
Ladies, I need help blending. I have searched and searched this site for tuts on this. I checked out the blendin 101 video on Youtube as well as others...I am just not getting it like you guys do and I have been practicing! It's looking better, but not like I want it to! Tips?


Active member
blending is a bit tricky but you can do it with a little practice and patients... first are your brushes, i find it easier to use a brush for each color.... i keep each brush with each color, and keep each color out until e/s application is done...
since i dont know what you are doing i will start from scratch, i put my primer on both my lids... remember the more primer the more vivid colors you will use... you want light and airy use less primer. then i go from top to bottom.... start with light color at brow-bone, apply a little past crease, i do both eyes, then i do lightest color on lid in the inner corner of eye, move to middle and add a second color... then the end of eyelid with the most vivid i am using that day, then i add a crease color, now i begin blending, once again start top to bottom... i blend my brow color down into the crease color.... i blend each lid color up into the crease color and with a tapping motion i move the color on each section of the eyelid toward the inner corner of the eye. i use gentle tapping and sweeping motions... i then take a blending brush and with sm circles do the brow color again then move into the lid color.... at this point i begin to reapply color... but only to the center of each blended color... with that application i blend into the already mixed colors.... just to feather out the edge of each color.... i then us a sm detail brush to reapply the crease color being careful to do only the center crease. then i continue with liner, lashes. brows and finish up the application. if you have any questions please ask and hope it helps!


Well-known member
Thank you so much! I am going to print your post and use it tomorrow when I do my makeup. I'll let you know if I have any questions. It seems to be very clear and easy! Thank you again! You are awesome.