Need some job advice


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Ahhh I don't know where to begin with this one, I just need some advice, because I'm pretty confused. I started working at a local hospital in January. I work in the Facilities (maintenance) dept and I only work half-time, which is just 20 hours a week. They are so easygoing and we always have fun and I really enjoy my job and all the things I do. It can be hectic, but at the end of the day, everyone is still in a good mood and not pissy. My supervisor told me last week they put in their capital budget to have my position approved for full-time. I was so pumped on hearing this, but got let down today when I was told they wouldn't know if it would be approved until October

For the last two months, I've worked another half-time job that's also 20 hours a week. It's a job at a place I worked at a few years ago and have always hated it, but it helps to pay the bills. I have been looking to get out of there badly, because I have to drive 30 minutes to and from that job, three days a week. It kills me on a gas, whereas I just live 3 minutes down the road from the hospital. Last week, I decided to apply for another 20-hour per week half-time job at the hospital and have an interview tomorrow. I'm pretty excited.

But today, I got a job offer in a completely different department, a full-time position in Risk Management. This is very different from what I do now and everyone has had bad things to say about the department director, what a bitch she is, how strict she is, how stressful working in that dept is, etc. The job starts at $13.25 an hour, which is $1.72 than I currently make now. If I got the other half-time job at the hospital, I would be making the same as I make in Facilities, which is $11.53 an hour. I know that's definitely enough to pay my bills, but with $13.25 an hour I could live very comfortably and have extra money to do whatever I want with. The only bad thing about the job, is that I don't think it work with my school schedule this fall. I'm friends with the girl who was asked to resign from that position and she told me that that job is very stressful and she did it for six years. I don't have any experience in risk management/compliance but I have done a lot of public things for the hospital so I tend to know a lot of people higher-up (sorry, I don't mean to sound conceited.)

My mom (she also works at the hospital) thinks I should go to the interview for other half-time job and keep my fingers crossed that it will work out. The devil on the other hand, is tempting me because of the money, but I don't see myself being happy if I got the full-time Risk Management position. I worked in a stressful job for three years and HATED it and it wasn't even a hospital job. Sorry if all this doesn't make sense, LOL....any advice?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
If I were in your position, I wouldn't let the money tempt me into taking that job. When you're constantly stressed and you have to work with someone that causes tension, it can make you physically ill. Unless you know that you work well under that kind of pressure and you feel confident that you can avoid confrontation with that manager, I'd go with the lesser paying job. Since you aren't struggling that badly, I think it will benefit you more to stay there and maybe take that other part time job. You'll feel better and you'll be working at a place you enjoy.


Well-known member
I worked in a crap ass job which was run by a mean boss and just an icky environment. It was full time as well. It felt like hell. I love my job I have so much now. It is almost everything I have ever wanted in a career.

My point- stick with the pt job that you like and get another pt job. The $1.72 is not worth losing your sanity over. hth


Well-known member
i don't know if i was just reading more into it and applying it to myself, but it seems to me that you already know what you want.

-yes money is nice, but sure isn't everything and its not good if your boss is a bitch and the last person was asked to resign. what the heck is up with that? i cannot imagine tolerating that myself

-what timing, just a month ago I left a job I was making 7,000 a year more than what I am now, but it was such a drudgery to go to work. i couldn't see it long term, so when this other position came up, I jumped on it. yeah its less money but i have a job, and people are great. its all about quality of life as well.

-to me, as I'm just about to graduate university, school is important, so you definitely want one that is flexible with what you're school needs are.

i think all signs point to you trying to get this other maintenance dept job to bring you up to 40 hours a week, enjoy the people you work with, then cut hours or whatever is necessary and finish up school.

good luck! i think you're too young to settle for some crappy job just because it pays less than $2 more an hour. not enough for me to make that kind of move.


Well-known member
I'm going to say the same thing. Money is great, but when you are too stressed/ too tired/ too upset to enjoy it, there will be no point. If you are happy, stay where you are and wait for the full time. More than likely it will happen!!!


Well-known member
Stay with the job you like definitely
You can always find another part time job
But if you get stuck in the risk management job and end up disliking it and quitting, then you could risk loosing all jobs or job opportunities at the hospital.

If you're looking for a way out of the risk management job, just let the director know that you're very flattered with the offer but enjoy your part time job in the other part of the hospital and wouldn't be willing to quit it since you feel as if its a good fit for you.

I hope it works out
Remember to always go with your instincts, if you don't see yourself in the job, chances are you wont like it!


Well-known member
Thanks gals for all of your advice. I do feel that I'm doing the right thing, by holding out for my department and I do feel like it would be in my best interest to also get the other part-time job at the hospital I'm interviewing with tomorrow.


Well-known member
Do what makes you happy! That is the most important! I think that you should go to the interview and see what happens there before you make a decision. Odds are if you know that you won't be happy with the full time job now your gut is tell you it is not the right thing to do! Good luck Brittney and let us know what happens!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
Stay with the job you like definitely
You can always find another part time job
But if you get stuck in the risk management job and end up disliking it and quitting, then you could risk loosing all jobs or job opportunities at the hospital.

If you're looking for a way out of the risk management job, just let the director know that you're very flattered with the offer but enjoy your part time job in the other part of the hospital and wouldn't be willing to quit it since you feel as if its a good fit for you.

I hope it works out
Remember to always go with your instincts, if you don't see yourself in the job, chances are you wont like it!

Well said. I totally agree. You can't put a price on happiness and enjoying your job. Good luck with the interview tomorrow! Keep us updated!


Well-known member
Today I had my interview, I think it went well. The lady that interviewed me said she has had 18 applicants, but she is not going to interview them all. I think because of my experience, I would be a good candidate, but we will see

Also, I sent an email to the risk management director, basically thanking her, but told her I wasn't ready for that kind of position and didn't feel like I could handle it just yet. She seriously will not take NO for an answer and replied "We should talk about it tomorrow." I mean seriously, what part of that did she not understand?? Oh well, I just ignored the email.


Well-known member
I think you made the right choice! So many people are unhappy with their jobs, and I think it's great that you're able to do some thing you enjoy.
I wish you luck!


Well-known member
I agree you should stick to what you have... If money is not THAT tough, i dont think thats a very big difference.. If you are stressed at work 24/7 no money will cheer you up. And as you say you like your job now.. i think its better for you there, to feel comfortable and sweet.


Well-known member
I agree with the other posters. Sometimes the money is not worth it. I worked five days a week as a massage therapist for over a year and a half, not doing any self care or maintenance for my body as I was working all the time. The fatigue, physical stress, and depression I felt wasn't worth the extra cash.
Go with your gut, girl. You said you didn't feel like you would be happy with this full time position. There's a reason for that feeling.