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Neutral Tutorial w/ Red Lips - Marilyn Monroe Inspired


Well-known member
Hey guys! So it's been a while since I've posted about my tutorials, but I was so proud of this particular one. It's basically my interpretation of Marilyn Monroe's neutral makeup with her red lips, I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about.

I hope you guys like it!

YouTube - Neutral Tutorial with Red Lips


Well-known member
could you list your eye shadow colors? i can't hear your voice no matter how high I turn it up!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cosMEtix
could you list your eye shadow colors? i can't hear your voice no matter how high I turn it up!

Hey! Well heres what I used

UDPP all over lid
Vanilla pigment as highlighter
bare study p/p on lid
Dazzlelight e/s
Vanilla e/s over dazzlelight
Saddle above/on crease

Hope that helps!

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