Nevada/Nye County child sex tape


Well-known member
I guess a young man found a video tape "in the desert"
and turned it into police 5 months later (after showing it to other people).
The tape shows a man committing sex acts to a 4 or 5 yr. old girl. Supposedly the things he does in this video are WAY beyond belief, and nobody could really finish watching it.

Heres the link:

What do you guys think of this? I can't believe it. I just hope that they find this pervert and put him in jail for life. It's beyond sick..


Well-known member
well i darent watch it but i think its disguisting that men actually do this to young girls well children and most of them get away with it. it makes me sick why the fuck would a man want to do things like that? theres even fathers out there who do this do their own children


Well-known member
Yes, people who do this to kids should so be found and done whatever needs to be done....but mostly I want them to find the little girl and get her the help she'd prob need both perhaps physically and emotionally/psychologically. So sad. Ugh and absolutely disgusting. Wow.

And btw the links are just to the news reports, not any of the actual video, just still shots to try and id the kid and pervert.


Well-known member
oh my god that's horrible! i can't bring myself to watch the video's so sickening how many perverts are out there!
The poor girl my heart goes out to her and other girls who were/are in her position


Well-known member
I don't know what kind of sick bastards do that kind of shit to children. It is sick and disgusting. I really hope they find that creep and lock his ass away forever.


Well-known member
So sad....the pics of the girl and perv need to be on more sites for more exposure. Hopefully someone will recognize her.


Well-known member
That is horrific. I can`t even imagine the emotional and physical damage that little girl must have suffered. How do you recover from something like that?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I hope that the little girl is alive. While I'm disgusted and hope that this guy gets everything he has coming to him, I'm glad that criminals are so stupid.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, guys...those links dont show the sex tape!! Oh no, the way I posted this made it seem like that, I'm so sorry. The links are just news stories about you know what I'm talking about!


Well-known member
I hope they catch the person who did this despicable act!
that guy who turned in the tape sounds really suspicious too.


Well-known member
This is horrible. I think the cops are right, the person who turned in the tape knows more about this than he is willing to admit. He needs to come forward with the full story, so they can find this poor child.


Well-known member
I agree...the man who came forward has nothing to lose. If he does know more about this story, he needs to just come clean. If he is worried about the man in the video or their family coming after him, he shouldn't be. Whether or not he tells what he knows, he still turned in the video. So they will be mad about this either way.

does that make sense? He already put himself out there by turning in the tape--therefore theres no reason for him to lie and say he found it in the desert..his name and picture is already all over the news for this. He needs to just tell what he knows.

According to the stories, this tape is at least 3 or 4 years old. I really hope that little girl is still alive. We already know she's not safe.


Well-known member
Protect your children. Never hardly let your eyes off your precious children or those you know. These people are everywhere. It's commonplace. They get away it all the time. They are after infants, children, and teens.

I could say more, but I am really overwhelmed right now.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
You have to protect your children, but at the same time, you can't go overboard and never let them out of your sight. They need to learn how to handle the world themselves.


Well-known member
I guess you have to find a balance between the damage your children might be caused if some pervert gets a hold of them, and the damage that they will be caused if you smother them and never allow them to experience things. The older I get the more I realize how tough it is to be a parent, and how much I love my parents for doing such a good job. I'm glad that it sounds like this little girl is happy and healthy. Although I doubt that she has no long term effects from this, it sounds like they are fairly minimal considering what happened to her. Now I just hope that they find the guy and put him in jail for a long time.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm not pretending it isn't a tough balance to strike, but I think it can emotionally crippling for parents who don't let their children out of their sight for second for fear of a molester (and plenty goes on within the family or with friends).

I just hope the little girl doesn't go through a lot of trauma having to relive this. I imagine she's silently suffered in some way, but I can't imagine what it'll be like to have to present this to others.


Well-known member
I'm sorry. But regardless of if they've found the little girl, and if they now know this pervert's name, the story still seems fishy to me.

I find it odd that the police say "Oh, well she seems like a very happy, healthy, normal child now" Bullshit. I don't care how she looks on the outside, I don't believe that she got over it and is a normal child now. Uh-uh. I think that anyone who has suffered from rape, molestation, abuse, etc. is damaged. Permanently. Yes you may have counseling and therapy to help move on, but you will never be the same. And from everyones account of how horrible that video was, that makes it even harder to believe that she's living a normal life now.

#2-How did the mother not know ANYTHING? I know that children get molested by friends of the family, family members, or whomever, but the mother had absolutely no clue about anything at all? How could you let a 3 year old child roam into the hands of a random male in the first place. I just find the whole thing too weird. I could understand if she recognized the man and said "Oh hey, thats Chester. He used to babysit my daughter while I was at work. This video was taken in his house because I recognize the furniture. I can't believe this happened!"
But thats not what she said. She said she recognized the man and the furniture in the house. How the hell did this guy get ahold of this child and have his way with her for at least 30 minutes without anyone coming and looking for her?

its just weird.