Never tried Nars.. What should be my first buy?


Well-known member
Definetly a blush! They're all amazing, but if you share your skintone maybe we can reccomend some shades.
Orgasm is pretty much every gals starter NARS blush.


Well-known member
orgasm! haha, the quintessential NARS item!

no, seriously, with your skin tone (i'm like a light beige shade and i love it), it with look awesome


Definitely blush, but if Orgasm isn't your color, don't feel pressured by the hype. O has never worked for me, and I'm not dark skinned. I just look waaay better in Outlaw! I've also had many of their shadows and they were a big disappointment. I do like the cream shadow though, as a base for other non-Nars shadows. I also never saw the hype surrounding the Multiple.

The blushes are the best product in the line and they last forever!

Kiwi Girlie

Well-known member
I'd go with NARS Orgasm blush
, Im naturally fair with freckles and this gives me a beautiful healthy peachy glow. By far my favourite NARS item!


Well-known member
i'm pretty fair, i recommend...

Orgasm Blush
Night Star Eyeshadow
Night Fairy Eyeshadow

Both eyeshadows are beautiful when used alone (all over the lid and a little on low lashes) with lots of black mascara


Active member
well im fair skin also and i LOVE angelika blush! torrid is nice also, but as much as everyone seems to love doesnt do much for me.


Well-known member
I would say a blush and a multiple first. But their eyeshadows are absolutely GORGEOUS, too. They are so richly pigmented. To be honestly, far surpassing MAC (but more expensive, too. ;P)

Devil Bunny

I started with blushes too. My first one was Turkish Red Cream blush which looked surprisingly amazing when well blended on my light skin. I also have Torrid, Sin, and Outlaw. I also like their lipsticks. I haven't tried anything else yet.
i've been using deep throat for about 2 years now, and love it! But sadly, i'm wanting to try new things, so it'll be replaced. def. check out NARS at sephora!


Active member
Wow, I feel so common! Orgasm blush was my very first NARS purchase too - and then I decided to get the Orgasm lipgloss to go with it and I am VERY happy with both. They are a gorgeous colour that suits most skin tones.


Well-known member
I'm kind of fair (NC20 in MAC and Fiji in NARS) too. The blushes are amazing for everyone and they last forever! I like Orgasm, Sin, and Outlaw. The Multiples are great too. Most of them are creamy but there are some that are kind of hard to blend. I pretty much only used the Multiple in Cannes and Maui and some mascara when I went to Greece for vacation. They're easy and fast to use as a blush and lip color.


Well-known member
I'm an NW20, so yeah, pretty fair. I recently got "Sin" blush, and I'd recommend it for any fair-skinned lovely! It's such a great color. I know a lot of people like Orgasm, but like someone above said, it doesn't do much for me. However, Sin has become a staple in my daily makeup routine.

Also, get a lipgloss! NARS lipglosses are the best! They don't really have a scent to speak of, but the colors are amazing, and they have great lasting power. They're also not sticky! I love NARS lipglosses. Could you tell??

ETA: If you do get Sin blush, a gloss that goes really beautifully with it is Gothika! It's quite possibly my favorite lip/cheek combo ever.