New collection of cremeblushes ???


Well-known member
I was so disappointed when I hear that several powder and just cremeblushes are being discontinued.

Does anyone know if MAC will produce a new collection of cremeblushes, since there are only 5 colours left from the existing assortment.

Thank you for your answers.


Well-known member
nope. cremeblushes aren't as big of a seller as powder blushes, so i highly doubt they will release any new colors and keep them perm. they might release some new colors as LE, but prolly not a new perm. collection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hortensia
Thank you for your answer erine; for me as a cremeblush lover that's really disappointing.

I agree- i was so upset finding out that my fancy ray creme blush was being DCed... I bought backups.. but i dont know how long cremeblush lasts for and i can use mine every day and it'll last me for about a year if not longer-- so thank God I have at LEAST another year til I have to try and find another HG blush...


Well-known member
I'm afraid to be forced to try another brand - I heard Bobbi Brown makes gorgeous cremeblushes; as for applying they should be even better than MAC's and come in flattering colours for all types of complexion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hortensia
I'm afraid to be forced to try another brand - I heard Bobbi Brown makes gorgeous cremeblushes; as for applying they should be even better than MAC's and come in flattering colours for all types of complexion.

But my MAC blush looks so pretty in its black packaging :-( haha.. i just dont have anywhere to buy bobbi brown anywhere around me ... ugh-- i love cremeblushes-- ive been thinking of just moving to a powderblush... but it just wont be the same...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
But my MAC blush looks so pretty in its black packaging :-( haha.. i just dont have anywhere to buy bobbi brown anywhere around me ... ugh-- i love cremeblushes-- ive been thinking of just moving to a powderblush... but it just wont be the same...

How do you apply them? i've been struggling with the application of my ladyblush blushcreme

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I wouldn't be too disappointed about it because there's so much better than MAC in terms of cream blushes.

The best ever for me is Inglot but Stila and Bobbi Brown are really good too.

The 187 or similar is amazing for applying cream blushes. I've used a regular foundation brush before too and it works okay.


Well-known member
I only use my clean fingers to apply the blushcreme; I just make three dots on each cheek and rub it in thoroughly so that there is only a hint of colour afterwards - with this "technique" I can be sure to look totally natural and healthy !!

For me it is really the most comfortable and easy way since brushes need to be cleaned and dried after each use and you can't use them when they are wet; whereas my hands just need to be washed with soap and water that's all.


Well-known member
Hmmm, I really like the cremeblush formula but the colors really sucked imho. I think that might be why they didn't sale, the colors were either too light or too dark....
NYX cream blushes are pretty similar to me, I believe Diva is a knock off of Hunger Red. Some people say the NYX ones are goopier though, I'm not sure since I only have a glittery blush cream from Lure which IS firmer than NYX's.


Well-known member
I love LAID BACK cremeblush! I hope that's not one that's being DC. I also have a pink shade, can't remember the name, I don't wear it often but its very pretty. I love LB for the fall and winter. I have dry skin and it adds a little sheen to my cheeks when old man winter is on the horizon.