new collection with new pigments info from bowlingpins on MUA


Well-known member
QUOTE: "MAC Sweetie Cake collection will have 3 new pigments! rop for shade name

Apricot Pink, Pink Mauve, and something else, sorry no name :/

also a Lipglass called Sweetie cake, and Millefeuille Petit-Gloss. As well as Sugar Blue, Demi-Sweet, Gateaux e/s."

message by bowlingpins


Well-known member
Soooooo exciting!!! This was posted on LJ a couple of nights ago.

Anyone know when Sweetie Cakes comes out?


Well-known member
All the names are so cute! Can't wait for these. MAC seems to be coming out with more and more new pigments lately...


Well-known member
I'm excited for Culturebloom, Icon and Chromeglasses, and now something else.... *sigh*

Seems like I will always be excited for a new collection because they always have 3-4 new ones a the same time...


Well-known member
This sounds really good! (and kind of makes me hungry, too....) I love these names. Sweetie Cake just sounds like something I'd like


Well-known member
Pink Mauve is so me. These collections are coming out too fast for me to keep up. I only buying a couple of things from a collection now.


Well-known member
Yay! Sweetie Cake sounds like a collection I might need to get all of. XD

I'm glad to hear about this one, since I'm not interested in anything from Culturebloom.


Well-known member
Yay more new pigments, so i don't need to feel bad that i had to miss out on Goldenaire as it didn't turn out nice on my skintone.