Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Thanks for the info! (I asked you how you did these in another post, before I read this thread). I used to do something similar to this. I ended up giving most of them away to friends who wanted them when I moved. Now is miss them! I only have one left. I want to dig it out and do more. Thanks for the inspiration. Please keep sharing your pics. And hey, I just bought the shoes in your second pic!
Yeah, I've had some interest about making some that aren't dual sided so people could buy. If someone asked me nicely and offered me the right amount of money, I'd sell them the original or give them a print on nice watercolor paper, rives paper, or canvas.
My bf's the same way. He doesn't want me to sell them, but I don't want to pack away all my artwork like he does! I did buy a huge sheet of 400 CP for $3 (I screwed with the Michael's employee during their 50% off sale) and I'm tempted to make a bicycle piece. So many photographers love bicycles for their shoots, so I have about 10!