New to Paint Pots - Bare Study Question


Well-known member
I have seen people use this as an all over color before putting on shadow ... so a couple questions ... is a primer necessary along with this (UDPP) or can you just use the PP by itself? Also, do you highlight with this or do you still add a shadow highlight with it? (Not sure how pigmented paint pots are as a highlight on their own) Thanks in advance you guys!


Well-known member
Q: Is a primer necessary along with this (UDPP) or can you just use the PP by itself?
A: It depends on your skin. Some people use both. Other people find that the paint pots work well on their own.

Q: Do you highlight with this or do you still add a shadow highlight with it?
A: Again, I think it's up to you. I found Bare Study to be somewhat sheer so if you want a sheer highlight you could use it alone. Otherwise you add a highlight using a shadow.


Well-known member
I use my paint pots AS my primer/base for the most part. I'm going to go through my Rubenesque pot sooo fast. :nod: But I almost always highlight with a shadow like Phloof!. I've found that I still need UDPP for my Medusa's eye dust (it likes to go eeeeeeeverywhere), but the paint pots do fine for me with most eyeshadows and M.A.C. pigments.


Well-known member
I agree with the above post. I use mine as a base, however you can build the coverage with these & use them as a shadow. I love these paint pots!!!!

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