New to Specktra Hi All!!!

Hey Everyone,
Im brand new to Specktra and brand to admitting my addiction to MAC. I pretty much sign over all of my paychecks to MAC and visit a CCO or MAC store at least once every 2 weeks or once a week if I can sneak out of the out without being noticed.
Now that I am embracing my MAC addiction, I'm super excited to be on Specktra and get all the info and talk to other people who are addicted like me

Hello, my name is Kim and
and proud of it!


Well-known member
Hello and welcome to Specktra...I've only been on the site for a few months, but let me tell you, you thought that you were a MAC addict before...just wait now that you are on much info on upcoming collections, looks and recommendations! Its great. Lets just say your wallet is no longer
Originally Posted by jdechant
Hello and welcome to Specktra...I've only been on the site for a few months, but let me tell you, you thought that you were a MAC addict before...just wait now that you are on much info on upcoming collections, looks and recommendations! Its great. Lets just say your wallet is no longer

oh i know, my wallet has been hurting since ive found youtube and then found all these AMAZING AMAZING forums, i think i can easily say in the last 3 months i have bought more makeup than i have in my 20 years of living... and i was always the go-to girl when someone needed their makeup done in high school... my collection has grown from a traincase jampacked full, to 2 sets of clear plastic drawers and over 30 brushes
oh well