new vegas msf


Well-known member
hello everyone!

well i don't own any MSF's and i really want to get one especially that the MQueen collection is coming soon to the UK, do you think that new vegas MSF would suit me??

I am trying to find shimpagne as well but no luck yet

anyways thank you!


Well-known member
I recently purchased the New Vegas MSF from the McQueen collection. On the pan, I'd say it looks very pretty: gold with some bronze and shimmery white veins. But on my face, it looks exactly like what Benefit Moon Beam looks: gold shimmer that I'd only ever use for highlighting, and then only for evening looks.

I've sold my New Vegas MSF already because I was really disappointed with how it looked on my skin (NC30). I did, however, just received my Shimpagne MSF in the mail last night (ordered from eBay). And I have to say that it's just plain awesome! It gives a sort of rose gold/champagne gold shimmer on my cheeks and makes me look a bit flushed and just so pretty. I think this MSF, along with Glissade, has to be my favorite of all.

If you want to try getting Shimpagne, thejadedstar is selling a BNIB one on the Clearance Bin board.
Here's the link to her thread:

Before buying on the internet, though, I'd suggest you try out New Vegas MSF from a MAC counter first. Who knows, maybe it'll look absolutely gorgeous on you.


Well-known member
thanks girls! i would definately look at that thread you sent me...erm this might be a dumb question but what does BNIB mean?


Well-known member
yes i hope so too but if you look at that thread are they both broken? i know that one is in perfect condition but the last 2 pics she showed both look broken?


Well-known member kinda thinking about new vegas too. Some people think if it doesn't show up on light complexions we dont really have a chance. But im thinking the should show up & complement us, im NC43 too.

Are you in London?? Do you know if the collection will be at all MAC stores or exclusive?? I wonder if they'll put it up on the UK website


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisaMayah kinda thinking about new vegas too. Some people think if it doesn't show up on light complexions we dont really have a chance. But im thinking the should show up & complement us, im NC43 too.

Are you in London?? Do you know if the collection will be at all MAC stores or exclusive?? I wonder if they'll put it up on the UK website

, I live in the midlands, i'm sure its going to be in all MAC stores, freestanding and in debenhams and selfridges (because thats the case with all new collections) also i asked a MA when is the new collection coming and she told me that they are going to find out next week. They will put it on the website but a weeks or so after its been released in shops. The website seems slow, i mean i went once to check out MAC and found out that the matte2, mattene collection are out but when i went home it wasn't up on the website yet! LOL hope this helps


Well-known member
hey nunu, well today i went to go try on the new vegas MSF and I also found it disappointing... i pretty medium toned, and it just made me look like i have on nylon e/s on my face lol. hth!


Well-known member
I just read in another thread it has been released already exclusive at Harrods since 4th Oct, but it should be available on the website next week! I dont know about the Midlands though...


Well-known member
I didn't like the New Vegas one, it was pretty glittery on me, and it's more beige than gold-ish. For your complexion, I would recommend the Global Glow MSF that was released sorta recently (it came out with the Flashtronic collection.) You may still be able to find it in a MAC store. It's a gorgeous gold shimmery one, not glittery. There were some swatches posted in the Swatch forum. I use it lots but I have fair skin so I have to use it lightly, but your complexion is a bit darker so it should work really well for you. I've had a few people asking me what I'm wearing when I put it on.

From the Swatch thread, Shooting star is similar but it's from last year I think...




Well-known member
I just put new vegas on this morning....EWWW!! It sucks! Its like I just dropped glitter all over my face. I prefer the bobbi brown shimmerbirck in gold now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
I just put new vegas on this morning....EWWW!! It sucks! Its like I just dropped glitter all over my face. I prefer the bobbi brown shimmerbirck in gold now.

thank you!


Well-known member
Yeah, I was a little disappointed with the New Vegas MSF as well, but I just bought it just to say that I have it.
It's not really chunky or that glittery on me personally, I have light to fairly light skin with yellow undertones, but it just didn't really show up that great on's okay though!


Well-known member
im going to try it on in the shop and see if it looks ok, because so far for highlighting all i have is BB's shimmerbrick in bronze. I got no replys for the shimpagne msf and i might get global glow if i can find it!
thanks everyone


Well-known member
ugh got my new vegas msf today, and I, like others, bought it to see whats the hype about now i have to figure out how to get rid of this.....and since I bought it in Canada for 29.50, no one's going to want to pay for this!!! :S I'll have to see what I can do, maybe try the suggestion of a powder on top? Tried blush, didn't work so hot. AHHHH! What do you think if I got one of the natural msfs and tried to put it on over New Vegas--would that do the trick?