new years makeup ?


Well-known member
i was thinking of doing a dark brown smokey outfit is full of dark colors: a dark green/grey half button sweater, black camisole, dark blue jeans and prolly some black boots...the dark brown smokey eye is self explanatory, but i was thinking of using mystery and showstopper with deckchair on the inner going for a sultry, sexy you think it will look good? or do you think i shouldnt do a smokey eye? help would be much appreciated because im trying to look good for a certain someone


Well-known member
i would if i knew how to apply them and also had some glue haha...i have two pairs juSs sitting in my drawer from my previous mac makeovers...ill learn eventually haha...any other opinions on my make up selection?


Well-known member
Be careful with too much "dark" colors,.. I know once that I ended up doing something like that and it was too much,.. I felt goth when I didnt mean to be,.. so I added some bright gold and it alll worked out. I would definitely practice any look you plan on wearing out just to make sure,...Let us know how it works out or better yet,.. post a pic!


Well-known member
oh yeah i wasnt going to do it like COMPLETELY dark and like goth-looking...its hard to explain how im going to do it but i will definitely take pics...thanks!

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