Nicole Scherzinger Look


Hey girls,
Thought that all you golden skin girls may know how to recreate this look? I have same tanned colored skin as Nicole and love this look that she has. Can any of you girls tell me how to recreate this look, please include shade of foundations, blush colors etc... Im bored with my makeup look at the moment and want to try something new. I especially love how her foundation looks flawless (cant see her pores), how do you get this finish? Does setting the foundation with some sort of powder give this look? If so, any recs on one? And skin looks so smooth and she has a pearlescence about her skin and cheeks. Anyone know how to do this?


Well-known member
Well, I wish I could help more but the one thing I will say is that Nicole just has great skin. I've seen her without makeup and she's pretty flawless.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
Jist lipstick w/ clear lipglass
Peachykeen blush on ur apples
Ricepaper e/s highlight
Espresso e/s crease
Romp e/s lid