

Well-known member
hey girlies do any of you have nintendogs for the nintendo ds? my b/f got it for me on my bday the chihuahua and friends cuz i loooooove chihuahuas,but im allergic to real dogs and cats and birds and....pretty much ne thing that grows im allergic to it,but anyways. it is the cutiest thing EV-AR. i have 3 puppies on it the chihuahua hes white,c.k spaniel shes golden brown with green eyes,and the siberian husky goergous white and like grey with blue eyes. this game is so cute you can train then bring them into contests win money take them for walks so the their bizznas...and play with other puppies and they also find lil presents for you!!! yeah anyways i just wanted to put it out there that it is so TUTE i cant stop playing with them!


Well-known member
I actually want to buy a DS just for this game.
I played it in the store and was hooked.


Well-known member
oh you have to it is just too cute i tought my dogs to "dance" they put their butt in the air and shake it its so cute


Well-known member
I wanted a puppy for xmas, but my hubby got me this instead. I am still trying to figure out everything. Guess I should read the instructions. Can I say that the DS rocks??? Mario Kart is awesome. My hand is frozen in a perma-claw though........


Well-known member
I love Nintendogs! I've had it for a while, and it does get hard to maintain later. You need to play every day, unlike other games. The contests are always fun too.


Well-known member
My BF got the DS just for Nintendogs, he loves it. I got my son the DS for Christmas, the Mario Cart version and he loves it.

You gals need to get Animal Crossing, that is my addiction. Totally fun little build your own town game and with a friend code you can have other people ANYWHERE play with you in your town at the same time! =]


Well-known member
my daughter got it for christmas from her dad.. it was so much fun. Until she lost the game.


Well-known member
haha yeah my bf looooves video games just electronics in general and we were on our way to the suite he got us for my bday and handed it to me i already knew i was gettin it and i know he just wanted to tear it open and play with it but he was sweet and let me open it so when he handed it to me i just looked at it n put it down waitin for him to say sumthin n not even two mins. later he was like um,your not gonna open it?i said nah ill just wait till we get to the room he was like....oh...........OMG,JUST OPEN IT ALREADY!!!!! i was like haha you wanna play dontcha he made his cute lil said face n pouty lip so i opened it n let him play with mario cart for awhile but he likes to pick on my pups n grab their paws n make em wimper i just wanna hit him when he does that.


Well-known member
I've seen this in the shops, what exactly is it? Sounds a tiny bit like Tamagotchi, remember them?! I nearly died of laughter once when in a lecture at uni this girl's Tamagotchi died and she announced it sort-of loudly (in shock). It's ok, she was laughing too.

No more good things about the DS! I almost got one but I spend enough time playing video/computer games as it is! When I can't read or write stuff


Well-known member
its so not like the tomagotchi thing ma giggys those were,stupid....this makes them sick,these lil dogs r so lifelike


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
No more good things about the DS! I almost got one but I spend enough time playing video/computer games as it is! When I can't read or write stuff

I have all the gameboys and you definitely need the DS. It is just freaking awesome. Go get one!!!


Well-known member
aww u got the mini pin,i had one but she was lil really shy n stay in the corner so i gave her to the doggie hotel :-( but i got 2 other awesome verrrrrrry smart dogs


Well-known member
My sister got this and it is so cute! She started with a schnauzer (cuz she knows how much I love em) and then she got a black lab pup - they are adorable!


Well-known member
I have that too, i have the dachshund version so i chose the beagle he is supercute and he is called smudge lol I got a golden retriever aswell but got rid off it, i just didnt like it. Its such an adictive game and all the pups are cute, i havent worked it in bark mode yet.


Well-known member
oh my gosh i'm waiting till i get enough trainer points to get the pug i want it soooo bag their so cute