Nordstrom RANT... what should I do???


Well-known member
Ok.... so I live in Canada (Vancouver) and do most of my shopping over the border. A few weeks ago me and a friend ventured down to Seattle, as I was hoping to get a new Juicy bag. I had one in mind but everywhere we went seemed to be sold out of them. At one of the Nordstroms I asked the girl if they had the daydreamer in the plaid print (they had smaller bags like this) but they were sold out. But she said she could call another store and have one shipped, if I paid for it now. She was able to find one from another state. (There was only 9 left in the system!) I was super excited so I paid for it and she asked me if I wanted to have it shipped up to Canada or if I would wanna come pick it up. I was going to have it shipped but she said it would be faster if i came back next weekend, because it would be here in about 3 days. She said she would call me as soon as it got here. All in all she was really nice and SUPER helpful.

Anyways a week goes by and no phone call..... So I call Nordstrom and they said they havent recieved my bag yet. So I say no biggy and wait another week. They still havent called so I called back, and they say my bag is in the system but cant find it! I talked to the manager and she said she will definatly order me another one if she cant find it and she will call me back tomorrow. So ANOTHER week goes by with no call... now I am getting angry because I took this monday off work to go down and get it. So yesterday morning I call and they still cant find my bag, but the girl who originally sold me the bag was going to be in that afternoon. So the girl finally calls me back and says my bag is GONE. It got shipped to the store... but someone from within the store must have taken it! I asked if she had ordered another one and her answer was "No, Nordstrom doesnt carry that bag anymore, we cant get you another one sorry." When last week they said they were ordering one! So now I am going down there tomorrow (me and my mom took the day off anyways... might as well..) to speak with the manager. She said she will give me another Daydreamer for the same price but I wanted the plaid one. I think Nordstrom was completely unproffesional handling this. What should I do?? I dont really want them to get away with this but I cant stick up for myself very well at all.
And I REALLY wanted that bag and now there is no way of getting it


Well-known member
WEll that is good that you are taking your mom so she can help you argue with them LOL. My brother had something like this happen with calling transferring to someone not caling back leaving messages not returning calls with true religion jeans!!! Like you they were hte only ones then discuntinued (sp). So he got two new pairs!!! THats totally sux im sorry for what you went thru if i were you i would have them give u a refund and the bag free to you for all that damn hassle you should maybe speak to headcorters (sp) or the district manager or someone higher than those employees. Oh forgot to mention my brohter got a refund and the new jeans cost like $120 more than the og ones. Since NOrdies is BIG I think they would be able to do the same. My 2 cents.


Well-known member
Yeah I think im gunna try and do that tomorrow... even the manager hasnt been helpful so far so I think im gunna go to someone higher up!! Thank you


Well-known member
Talk to someone higher up because Nordstrom is REALLY good about doing whatever they can to make the customer happy. A similar situation happened to me and they will really good about correcting it.


Well-known member
Wow, this is surprising because Nordstrom is known for having amazing customer service. They are normally super easy to work with and resolve issues immediately in order to retain customers by keeping them happy. I'm quite shocked by your bad experience...When you come down to Seattle I would recommend that you ask to speak to someone at a higher level if the store manager is not being nice and accommodating. Afterall, you'll be in seattle. Also, can I ask which location this happened at? Just curious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Talk to someone higher up because Nordstrom is REALLY good about doing whatever they can to make the customer happy. A similar situation happened to me and they will really good about correcting it.

I agree. I've had great service from them. I order from Nordstrom's religiously and have only had one problem. It was fixed immediately. Good luck to you. It sounds more like a sales girl issue. I hope it works out for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zzoester
. Also, can I ask which location this happened at? Just curious.

The Alderwood mall location


Well-known member
Oh my gosh I hope you get that bag!! Is it that pink and green and yellow plaid daydreamer?? UGH I will be so jealous.. I would be so mad too because it's been gone from the Juicy site for awhile now and everyone on ebay is jacking up the price because it was in such demand!! GOOD LUCK!!! You have every right to be fuming!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tinkee-Belle
The Alderwood mall location

I used to work at the Handbag department at Nordy's in Alderwood mall during the sales and if the manager is still the same (her name is Carly) she would not be down with what happened to you at all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VioletB
Oh my gosh I hope you get that bag!! Is it that pink and green and yellow plaid daydreamer?? UGH I will be so jealous.. I would be so mad too because it's been gone from the Juicy site for awhile now and everyone on ebay is jacking up the price because it was in such demand!! GOOD LUCK!!! You have every right to be fuming!!

Yes it was that one..... And theres no way of me getting it now.... grrrrrrrrr it pisses me off that I was sooo close to it and now nothing
I have searched everywhere and dont want to resort to ebay.
They have some more plaid bags at that Nordies but only the banana ones... i have a pink daydreamer now and will not go to a smaller bag lol. I have a feeling someone from within the company either stole it... or bought it afterwards even though ive freaking paid for it already.


Well-known member
Ok so an update... I went to Nordstrom today! The lady got on the phone and was able to track down one of the purses!!!!!!! Someone returned one in California and they are overnighting it to my store! And for my troubles she gave me a $100 gift card! I was so happy to get my purse but the giftcard was freakin sweet... I bought a Juicy charm braclet with it. So all in all Nordstrom was freaking AMAZING! I am super impressed they went to that length.. honestly i didnt think they would.

Big thumbs up to Nordstrom!!!!