Not exactly *new*... but hi there!


I'm not really a new member since I signed up in the spring, but I haven't had much time to post on message boards and whatnot since then. So I thought I'd introduce myself now.

My name is Kate and I'm 21, a recent graduate of The University of Tennessee, and a total MAC addict. I can't even bring myself to buy any other brand of makeup now! So sad... or good, either way. lol My makeup application skills are still on the newbie side (I don't wear makeup everyday) but I love tutorials and seeing all the crazy awesome FOTDs you gals (and guys) post here.

So anyway... hello!


Well-known member
Hey Kate and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have!


Well-known member
I feel ya! I'm a MAC snob myself, other brands just don't have not only the quality, but the culture that MAC does!