Not sure what to think of this?


Well-known member
PLease bear wuth me as I try and explain it and a BIGG Thank You to whoever has some input. Me and this guy have been trying to hang out forever but something always happens anyways the situation was he had asked me if I wanted to hang out and see some live music and I was like sure so anyways plans were all good till he left me a message asking if I can meet him at another city in our area. I don't have a problem driving even thougt I hate driving, but my parents do not like me driving at night by myself anyways so I mention it to him and I tell him I will try and convince them so they won't give me the silent treament the next couple of days, but then he tells me the reason he asked me if we could meet cuase he had to go pick up another friend at wrk and she works opposite of the place where I live and where the music thing is plus she doesn't drive. I was kind of shock it was a girl friend!
[ the girl is a singer in a band that he plays in] I am not jealous [ ok maybe a little] but I find it extremly confusing why would he ask me out but him knowing he has to pick up this girl? We have been trying to hang out for months