Not very happy with a seller

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Well-known member
So tell me, what would you do: I purchased some items on March 23. I was invoiced and paid within minutes. The seller "sent" the items. Roughly two weeks go by and I receive nothing. I contact the seller and they I'm told, "I don't know why you haven't received the package", etc. Another week goes by and I contact the seller again, she hd received the package back due to the address being written incorrectly. She supposedly "resends" the package. Another one - two weeks go by, still no package. I contact the seller again, she says she received the package back due to not enough postage, I ask for a refund, but I really want the items, the seller promises to resend and to include "goodies" I just want the items. Fast forward, I still have not received the items, I asked for a refund, the seller has responded that she will refund me and yet, no refund. I even went so far as to give her my work address and UPS account to send the items to me, at no additional charge to her, and nothing. My latest contact with the seller has been that she had "surgery." I can understand that, but if you have time to send me an email surely sending me a refund would be equally easy to do. What are your thoughts?


Well-known member
who was the seller? was it on ebay? i had a very similar thing happen recently. I would file a claim with paypal if thats how u paid.


Well-known member
No, it was someone from this board. I'm not mentioning names. I guess I'll file a claim with paypal. I buy stuff all the time from speckr-ette's and it's just disheartening/frustrating to experience this. I really like what I "bought." Thanks


Well-known member
I hate to say it, but I smell BS here...I hope you get your situation resolved (and that I am wrong about the BS)...


Well-known member
^ what she said. i smell bs too.. file a paypal claim.. is this the same person you mentioned to me? if so please pm myself or dawn (holstrom4) with her name.


Well-known member
Thanks, it's not the same person. I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but I guess I have no other choice than to file a claim.

Originally Posted by Juneplum
^ what she said. i smell bs too.. file a paypal claim.. is this the same person you mentioned to me? if so please pm myself or dawn (holstrom4) with her name.


Well-known member
I was actually trying to avoid that. But you're probably right.

Originally Posted by Shimmer
In moments like this, remember that it's alright to leave negative feedback.


Well-known member
IMO, if it's worth starting a thread over, it's worth negative feedback.
If it's worth filing a claim, it's worth negative feedback.
If it's worth PMing mods/admins for, it gets negative feedback.

There's no reason to ever not come through on a sale, barring some serious emergency or death, IMO. And, there's never an excuse for lack of communication. :/


Well-known member
I just tried filing a claim on paypal and was prompted with "it is best to continue trying to resolve this problem with the seller." I will now leave a negative token on specktra.


Well-known member
Sounds like you are just getting the run-around! Though we want to believe everyone is good/honest, there are a lot of losers in this world. If you paid with paypal via cc, I would contact your cc company and dispute it with them. If you paid with paypal via your debit card, I would contact your bank & dispute it. That way you get your money back right away, at this point, you deserve that much.


Well-known member
How horrible. I smell the BS for sure.
I would definitely give negative feedback.

I hope you get your goodies. and I hope this seller learns a lesson.

little teaser

Well-known member
man i hate when this happens, i got swaplifted once(not here)
but i agree with shimmer theres no reason there should be poor communication because it makes people think the worst imo even if you get your stuff and the communication was poor and took forever to resolve i would leave a netural or even negative depending on the situation to warn others that it was not positive at all.... i hope you get this resolve, good luck


Well-known member
PayPal is giving her the run-around, too. I agree with everyone else, leave a neg. and explain why. Things like this are wrong and the excuses are so lame.


Well-known member
Sounds like this person is taking you for a ride. No one has that many excuses not to send something. Definitely give negative feedback.
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