Now HOW would you go about fixing THIS? :o


On a good day this is what I look like:

If my allergies act up, I didn't get enough sleep, or i've been crying (mixed with sucky hereditary traits) this is what my eyes look like:

P.S. Wearing plenty of makeup in the first picture, none in the second.

Generally I use an eye cream (I have several) and try to conceal it with makeup. I've used tea bags, cold spoons, ice cubes, essential oils..everything. I'm really only concerned about my eyes being so puffy because I keep thinking about my WEDDING day coming up in June! Now talk about a day full of crying, stress, lack of sleep, etc! I don't want my eyes to freak out that day. That would be the worst thing to ever happen to me for my pictures.

So what i'm asking, ladies, is what type of makeup/products would you recommend to help prevent/cover up my horribly dark/baggy undereye area! Thank you!


Well-known member
try MAC's studio finish concealer, it gives really good coverage. Apply it with MAC 242 or 252 brush.
hope this helps


Well-known member
I would try Dermablend. The products stay on like no other and they make some great concealers.


Try Clinique All About Eyes concealer. I have it and it is pretty darn opaque, but has All About Eyes ingredients in it...


Well-known member
Every morning my face looks swollen because of my eczema. I dont know if this will help you but it helps me. I run the cold water till it gets really cold and wet my flannel with it, then press it gently all over my face and the swelling goes down. Sometimes I even use disposable sports ice packs, the coldness helps the circulation of the face.
Plenty of sleep and drinking water is important!! You should look at your diet and look at your salt intake. Don't add salt to any of your food even when you're cooking. Salt causes water retention.
Take a Vitamin C supplement, it's a natural diuretic so will help rid the body of excess water. Cut caffeine from your diet also as this promotes water retention too, so coffee, chocolate etc is a no no.

Try not to stress hun, u look beautiful and im sure you will on your big day too! Congrats x


This isn't an answer to your question, but I have similar colouring to you and I'm having a hard time finding a good foundation to suit my skintone- and I was wondering what you use?

Ta, Emily



Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
try MAC's studio finish concealer, it gives really good coverage. Apply it with MAC 242 or 252 brush.
hope this helps

I agree on the MAC studio Finish Concealor, my dark circles are soooooo dark and this really helps. Another thing that helps a lot is the Benefit Concealor, the Boing one? I cant remember the name right now, but its something like Boeing
I got it in an eyepalette. Also, I would go for the Dermablend makeup like someone else suggested.


Originally Posted by AppleDobb
This isn't an answer to your question, but I have similar colouring to you and I'm having a hard time finding a good foundation to suit my skintone- and I was wondering what you use?

Ta, Emily


My skin is horrible right now! It's so dry and i'm all broken out and red from this crazy new england weather we've been having! Right now i'm using Bare Minerals in Fairly Light and Benefit Concealer Bo-ing (or whatev.) in the lightest shade. I also use NC20 studio fix powder. I need a heavier duty concealer though, I think


Originally Posted by lustless
My skin is horrible right now! It's so dry and i'm all broken out and red from this crazy new england weather we've been having! Right now i'm using Bare Minerals in Fairly Light and Benefit Concealer Bo-ing (or whatev.) in the lightest shade. I also use NC20 studio fix powder. I need a heavier duty concealer though, I think

I'm using BE fairly light too but I'm finding, well, really yellow.
I don't if it just that I'm not used to it but, I guess I'll have to try fair

&i need good concealer too.
winter makes me break out. hah

Thanks for the suggestions



Well-known member
try avoiding concealers with light reflective properties (watch for words like 'illuminating' etc). I have baggy under-eyes, and have noticed light reflecting products seem to make my bags appear more prominent. I do, however use those types of concealers on the inner coner/inner bridge since I'm very dark there. Just avoid them on the actual 'bag.' hth!