Official Specktra Swatch Request Thread (request only)

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Well-known member
Enraptured l/s vs. Plant A Kiss l/s (both LE) possibly vs. Trance Plant lustreglass, but that's a bonus.


Classic Beauty

Well-known member
from the sundressing collection,

relaxing vs. twillery from the inventive eyes quad. Thanks

Edit: Could someone also compare in living pink to expensive pink. TIA!

In Living Pink vs Expensive Pink in following thread:


Well-known member
Would be extrememly grateful if someone would swatch:

Girl Meets Boy (F) vs Sundressing's Summer Neutral (F),
Naked Lunch (F) vs -"- Relaxing (F) and last but not least
Expensive Pink (VP) vs -"- In Living Pink (VP)

Any other reference combos for the Sundressing e/s also welcome, naturally:p

Thanks a heap in advance!

Expensive Pink vs In Living Pink in following thread:


Well-known member
difference b/t Wishful e/s and the new Relaxing e/s..

Anyone have both of these?? Can you tell me the difference?? Maybe a swatch of both...Thanks...
(Not sure if this is the right area to post this, I apologize if it needs to be moved....)


Well-known member
I 2nd Carrera's req for Expensive Pink vs. In Living Pink!!

I'd also like to see the Sundressing pigments layered over each other, i.e. Gold Dusk over Softwash Grey, then SG over GD. I'm wondering if they'll be any close to Idol Eyes...*crossing fingers, toes, legs, arms*

Carrera & Classic Beauty's request done, check their posts for link to swatches


New member
Originally Posted by RootBeeriiz
Ok, Just so you ladies know, I only was introduced to MAC back in December and I'm new to all of this, including this I may be asking some questions that seem quite silly to some of you...but what is a swatch and where do you get them?? Thanks for your tolerance and patience

Hugs, Heather

Welcome to Specktra!

A swatch is a product swiped on the hand, arm, other body parts, and somtimes paper.
You can find the swatches in the swatch Gallery located at the top of the forum on the same line as User CP.
If you check the Gudelines for this forum it will explain more.


Well-known member
As many non-matte powder blushes as you all can manage
preferably cool & warm pinks/corals, I can live without the ones that have lots of brown.
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