oh, eyebrows!


Well-known member
i love the shape of mine, i just wish they were a little fatter so...i'm not going to touch them for the next month. i've tried this before and only been able to go like a week before i tweeze them...but i'm going to reeeally try this time. am i the only one who worries so much about eyebrows?


Well-known member
NO! I am OBSESSED with eyebrows! My eyebrows aren't thick, but they aren't thin either, and I'm lucky enough to have a pretty high natural arch, so I only have to pluck strays. However, I do have to stop myself from going overboard. It's so easy once you start you think "a little more on this side, now a little more on that side" and it just becomes never ending, then you end up with too thin, too short brows lol.

My eyebrows were too thin for awhile, and it took a bad wax job for me to see that. She literally scalped my eyebrows off lol. While they were growing back (about 2 months!) I wouldn't let myself touch them at all. Only my unibrow lol. After they grew out I realized how much better they looked natural & cleaned up instead of a forced shape and too thin. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i love the shape of mine, i just wish they were a little fatter so...i'm not going to touch them for the next month. i've tried this before and only been able to go like a week before i tweeze them...but i'm going to reeeally try this time. am i the only one who worries so much about eyebrows?

I don't really worry but I always think mine can look better. Mine were really terrible so I didn't touch them for like 3 months...um torture. I just ignored them and went to this lady in the Tyler mall (since you know Riverside I mentioned it
) and she shaped them beautifully and that's how I've kept them ever since. Actually she has done the brows of almost everyone in my family haha. She's good!

If anyone wants to know her name is Mimi and she works inside Carltons.


Well-known member
MAN, sometimes I think I pay attention to eyebrows too much too. Whenever there's a guy, instead of thinking like "Oh, his eyes!" or "His physique!", I think "Wow, his eyebrows! They're so strong!" Hahah.


Well-known member
Hahaha I didnt think anyone thought about eyebrows as much as I do. I love them to death, especially my own haha. I want mine to be fatter too! I told my boyfriend that the other day. Instead I just brush them up and fill them in a little more. I really do have a an eyebrow fetish.


Well-known member
I find it annoying to have mine grow out too. I just get rid of the the middle ones and the extreme outer ones. They grow really fast, which is a big help in being able to shape them.


Well-known member
I'm always worried about mine! I think I'm obsessed. They are a good shape but very sparse. I'm always afraid that I will over do it when filling them in and that they won't look natural. I'm rarely happy with how they come out but the other day someone gave me a compliment on them so I must be doing something right! I hope that I come back in my next life with some nice, fat brows that don't need filling in hehe.


Well-known member
I worry about mine all the time too! If I didn't pluck them, they would literally connect with my hair line. As bad as it is, I pluck at least a hair or two every day.

Right now, they are a little too thin, but when I fill them in, they look almost normal sized. lol


Well-known member
I am constantly obsessed with my eyebrows. I overplucked at one stage and hated them. Now, I am growing them in... which is torture and plan on getting them reshaped. I want them to be a bit thicker than they were before. They grow so quickly but not in the areas that I want them to but they are already looking so much better. I think I will leave them for about another month and then go and get them done... can't wait.


Well-known member
yea , I'm always obsessing over mine too. I don't like the current shape of them and I am TRYING to let them grow out but they are so dark and I can't stop plucking the stray hairs!


Well-known member
I obsess too! Why is it one always comes out perfect and the other one decides to freak out?? Then I try to even them out and by the time I'm done I look like Groucho Marx!!! WHY!?!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by keirii
MAN, sometimes I think I pay attention to eyebrows too much too. Whenever there's a guy, instead of thinking like "Oh, his eyes!" or "His physique!", I think "Wow, his eyebrows! They're so strong!" Hahah.

there's this guy at my work and i absolutely LOVE his eyebrows. i didn't even realize how nice of a face he actually had for a couple weeks after i met him because everytime i saw him i was like "man, those eyebrows...mmm!"


Well-known member
No, I obsess with getting mine even...even though I know they're supposed to be sisters, not twins. After letting mine grow in for months (yeah - that was a gorgeous look) I finally have mine shaped the way I want, so it's just basic maintenance.

I've plucked and overplucked and fortunately for me, they still grow back.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trip75
Why is it one always comes out perfect and the other one decides to freak out??

Ha, that is EXACTLY what happens to me. It doesn't help that my eyes aren't the same size &shape.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
there's this guy at my work and i absolutely LOVE his eyebrows. i didn't even realize how nice of a face he actually had for a couple weeks after i met him because everytime i saw him i was like "man, those eyebrows...mmm!"

omg don't you hate when guys have perfect brows or lashes and don't even realize what they've got!!!! My boyfriend has these super duper long naturally curly lashes that are literally like my falsies.. I always tell him mann I'd kill for your lashes lol He thinks it's so wierd but I have more of a lash fetish than a brow fetish. I like the shape of my brows because they have a natural arch I just use a stencil to fill them in with a brow powder and angled brush.


Well-known member
I am also growing mine out at this time. I am planning on going to get them threaded and reshaped. It is going to be horrible waiting for them to grow in.


Well-known member
I'm kinda obsessed with mine too...
My whole childhood I had a horrible uni-brow and the outer edges grew like halfway down my face, no lie. I was teased SO MUCH!! I HATED HATED HATED THEM....with a passion...lol. I even remember crying to my mom (my BLONDE mom with no facial hair issues, so bless her heart, she didn't understand...). I remember her taking me to get them waxed when I was like 12 because I was so upset...she was a saint for doing that....lol.
I've gone through horrible eyebrow over/under-plucking stages where I plucked them too far in and left the shape too thick in the center. A look that will FOREVER be remembered in my senior picture that makes me CRINGE every time it catches my sight. I've begged my mother to take it down in her house with no luck.
I also had a really bad experience getting them waxed once when I was in high school...I had a horrible reaction to the wax and haven't gotten them waxed at all since. I keep them up myself and just tweeze and trim them when needed. (That's my eye in my avatar) I finally learned how to shape them the right way in my early college years, thank the LORD. The ones in the center kind of stopped growing back...THANK GOD! lol! I also have a scar in my left brow and the hairs won't grow in over it
. But I've learned to fill it the right way. It does, however, look freaky compared to the other when it's not filled.
But seriously...eyebrows are a tricky business. And I totally agree with y'all...they make or break a look.

Oh, eyebrows..... I could write a book. But I love them now. Be patient and resist the urge to pluck them until you get a good shape going. AND STAY AWAY FROM MAGNIFYING MIRRORS AT ALL COSTS!

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