ok this is probably too late, but there are 2 ways i've read/heard you can use milk of magnesia for your oily skin. i haven't tried these, but i have friends that use these methods and say good things. first off, make sure it's plain/unflavored.
- as a primer: with a cleansed & moisturized face, swipe a cotton ball with the milk of magnesia over your face. you want to apply a thin layer and let it dry for 30 seconds to a minute. if it's too chalky or white, you applied too much. if so, just get another cotton ball with water and swipe a little bit off and let it dry again. when dry, continue with your foundation and rest of your makeup. i've heard that it's a good idea to moisturize your face before applying the magnesia as it can dry your skin a bit.
- as a mask: swipe a cotton ball soaked in milk of magnesia over your face concentrating on your oily zones. let it dry for a couple minutes. it will be thick and white, so don't worry. when it starts to tighten, 2 minutes, rinse off your face with warm water. pat your skin dry and continue on with moisturizing your skin. it's a good idea to wear moisturizer as the milk of magnesia can be too drying on your skin.
i've done this a few times and i've been getting good results with this. however, do not overdue it! start off only doing it twice a month (that's what i do). there are several "recipes" out there for this technique.
mortar & pestle (optional)
small dish
4 uncoated tablets of aspirin
with mortar & pestle- using a mortar & pestle, crush the aspirin until it resembles a fine powder. add a splash of water (not too much) and a drizzle of honey and stir well.
without mortar & pestle- in a small dish, splash some water on-top of 4 aspirins and let it site for a minute waiting for it to dissolve. add a drizzle of honey and stir well.
apply onto face and massage for a minute, but try not to scrub too hard. let it sit for 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water. pat (don't rub) your skin dry with a clean towel and continue on with regular skincare routine. *i like to use a non-alcoholic toner and moisturize skin*
you can use other ingredients rather than honey, such as yogurt, aloe vera or even olive oil. i really like the honey mixture, but i also use the yogurt during the summer times. it has a cooling effect, which i really like! also, instead of pulling out the mortar & pestle every time i want to do this mask, i keep a jar filled with the aspirin powder in my cabinet. i just spoon a small amount (about 1 teaspoon) into a small dish and mix it with the other ingredients. this keeps it fast and simple for me. enjoy!