ok, i need some makeup recs from the experts


New member
My junior prom is within the next month and being the makeup obsessed person I am, I want to plan out my look and practice it in advance since I'm doing my makeup myself. The problem is I don't know what to do. Below is a picture of my dress and a small (sorry!) pic of me for reference. Its not recent but its all I have. Take note that my summer tan is gone and I am back to my good old NW20 self, and my eyes are a medium shade brown since that pic doesn't exactly show that. I was thinking peachy cheeks and lips would look nice but I'm mostly clueless on what to do with my eyes. The one thing I do want to try is fake eyelashes, and If I decide that is a good idea I am going to practice in advance so I don't scare people into thinking that halfway through the night there are tarantulas on my cheeks! I'm rambling now. Anyway, suggestions, tips, anything are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance




Well-known member
I think your best bet would be go to a MAC Counter to get the lashes done but if not I would suggest Ardell's.

I would actually do a very clean face with that dress. I think that is a beautiful dress.

What you may do is do a glowy peach cheek and glossy peach lips
do your eyelashes, do a catseye look and if you want a bit of color- I would say do a wash of a shimmery champaigne color like Stila Kitten.

If you do too much color on your eye it will really compete in a very unattractive way with that gorgeous dress.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I would definitely do a lighter look. If you want some color, do a wash of lavender shadow, but I'd be more incline keep maybe something shimmery at the eye and that's it; the dress has a lot going on in it and too much color/shimmer will be overwhelming. Line your eyes in matte brown liner. Make your skin look dewy.

Simple makeup also means you don't look terrible at the end of a night of dancing


Well-known member
I was thinking more of an ethereal look, maybe a pale frosty color on the lids, something with subtle sparkle. I think something like Beautiful Iris e/s or Steamy e/s would compliment it. Definitely do a neutral lip, nothing too overpowering, and also keep a light hand with applying blush (no bright pinks or anything clownish).

And definitely curl the lashes or wear falsies.

How are you going to wear your hair?


Well-known member
OMG! First thought when I saw the dress was SHIMMERMOSS, I know its very similar to the dress but I love that color haha... If you wanted to use shimmermoss, I think you should take a look at ashley_V85 (is that her name) she rocked an awesome look with shimmermoss, black tied, and peacocky glitter liner which would look awesome (with some falsies of course! and yeah do heaps of practise with those, and try wearing them for as long as you can so you can get used to how they look and feel!) or def. a melon kinda look if you want something a little contrasting to your dress.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
I think your best bet would be go to a MAC Counter to get the lashes done but if not I would suggest Ardell's.

I would actually do a very clean face with that dress. I think that is a beautiful dress.

What you may do is do a glowy peach cheek and glossy peach lips
do your eyelashes, do a catseye look and if you want a bit of color- I would say do a wash of a shimmery champaigne color like Stila Kitten.

If you do too much color on your eye it will really compete in a very unattractive way with that gorgeous dress.

i agree with this! you have a beautiful face, and if you're going to have ur hair done up, then i would suggest a natural peachy look, with soft smokey eyes. PLAY UP THE EYES!! but i wouldn't go for bright colors. stay nutural with champaigne or light brown colors. Elegant and it will still make your eyes pop! GL... have fun too!


Well-known member
i forgot to add! i would definately go for fake eyelashes! they look great when they are properly applied and dont look obvioiusly fake. Mac's eyelashes are for just the ends of ur lash line.. and they are like 7$ and i think 11$ to have someone put them on for you. not a bad investment for a night to shine!! <3


Well-known member
I thought MAC's lashes were $10. ?? Anyways, yeah like above, you could have an MA put on your lashes for you if you wanted.
Good luck.


Well-known member
You're cute as anything and the dress is luuuuuuush

I would do the following:-

- wear your hair up for sure, that neckline wants to show off some pretty shoulders and neck uninterrupted by strands of hair.

- go for a "natural 'n glowy" face - just a bit of bronzer or peach shimmery blusher - use it to accent your collarbones and decollatage too, just a sprinkle of shimmer is beautiful

- DEFINITELY just something sheer, shimmery and lipglossy on the lips, with not much colour.

- I would have a look at Steamy (as someone's already suggested) and Shimmermoss Mac shadows and decide which one complements your frock best: they're both shimmery greens similar-ish to your dress fabric colour and I think just a touch of a shadow like that would look awesome. I think it's more "shimmermoss" from the look of the pic.... bear in mind you don't need an exact match, just something to complement... I also think these kind of colours would work well with your eyes.

- smudge the strong acqua colour over the lid just a very simple "zap" of shimmery colour, then add a little bit of something shimmery and perhaps slightly pinkish under your browbone as a highlight (Lighstcapade MSF, Crystal Avalanche, Seedy Pearl, Phloof! might be worth trying) and blend the edges of both colours really, really well. This should look shimmery, soft, and girlish but definitely "made up" because of the strong lid colour.

- Last thing to do is add the false lashes (I loooove false eyelashes but it takes me sooooo long to get 'em straight I rarely bother, lol!) then use just a little bit of black pencil or fluidline over the join to neaten and conceal.... make sure the eyeliner is really fine, you don't want a really obvious line here, the false lashes and the fresh shimmer acqua should be enough.

I'd also keep your jewellry simple. Some pearl or pearly coloured earrings would look pretty with this dress I think.

Hope this helps, Sho x