Ok. Sending old people door to door is dirty pool.


Well-known member
Even if they are Jehovah's Witnesses.
*ding dong* goes the doorbell.
I answer it and it turns out it's a little old Jehovah's Witness couple. Now, I will not be intentionally rude to anyone witnessing for their religion, as it is something I believe anyone of religion is compelled to do,even though she continued after I said our faiths weren't concurrent with each other, however....
Let me have the opportunity to say NO before you start shpeeling at me.
So she's going and going and going and going and yayayayayayddadaddadaa...
And she says something about they're having a seminar on teaching young people to resist immoral temptation, and goes on about how homosexuality is DISSSSGUSTING (her emphasis) and an ABOMINATION.

I looked straight at her, "My brother is gay."
She stopped for a second, and looked at me and started to say something else and I just said, "I appreciate your time, effort, and what you're doing however I don't appreciate your statement. Have a lovely day." And shut the door.

My brother's NOT gay, but her emphasis annoyed me.
And, after only one cup of coffee, you don't want to annoy me.


Well-known member
Hahah, I was once pounced upon by some Jehovah's Witnesses, and when I told them that I was not interested in hearing what they said, they yelled at me as I walked away: "Satan was an angel in heaven before he fell and started playing for the losing team! You don't want to be a member of the losing team, do you?!?"


Well-known member
Jehova's witnesses get abit to eager when they come round door to door and when youre like done listening they wont go

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
So there are always these crazy christians screaming about how homosexuality is wrong and alll this stuff in downtown chicago and so my friend Claire went up to one of them once and said "Hello" and started to shake this guys hand, and while she was shaking his hand she just goes "I'm gay" even though she isn't, but this guy just pulled his hand away soooooooooooooooo fast and started screaming and screaming and me and her just walked off laughing.


Well-known member
I don't mind them doing their job, but I do mind them not listening.

I have yet to announce to my little bro that I told them he was gay though. He'll get a kick out of that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
I don't mind them doing their job, but I do mind them not listening.

had to thank u for that comment!
don't take me wrong cause sometimes when they stop me on the street or ring my bell i listen for a while. i kindly stop them when they become pushy but it doesn't stop!!!! i mean to say that truly love everybody but people who don't listen bug me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
My brother's NOT gay, but her emphasis annoyed me.

It amazes me how much some people who claim to be so devoted to their religion can pass so much judgement - isn't the point of most religions to love and accept EVERYONE?

Bravo! I wish I could've seen the look on her face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacVirgin
had to thank u for that comment!
don't take me wrong cause sometimes when they stop me on the street or ring my bell i listen for a while. i kindly stop them when they become pushy but it doesn't stop!!!! i mean to say that truly love everybody but people who don't listen bug me!

Shutting the door on them got my point across.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bottleblack
It amazes me how much some people who claim to be so devoted to their religion can pass so much judgement - isn't the point of most religions to love and accept EVERYONE?

Bravo! I wish I could've seen the look on her face.

The look on her face was priceless. She stuttered in her little spiel a bit, but that was my opening for continuing my point and getting done with it.

Besides, I had tball to coach this a.m.


Well-known member
The best bit about moving into a security building = no bell-ringers, door-knockers or other fundie proselytizers.

It's been absolute heaven not having dudes in white shirts and black ties hammering on my door at seven in the morning.


Well-known member
Ha. When I lived in GA there was this church, and it's at EVERY STINKING ARMY POST IN THE EMMER EFFING WORLD called New Testament Christian NonDenominational.
These people had no CONCEPT of when an appropriate time to pay a visit was, so they'd show up at 10 at night, or 8 in the a.m.
I don't mind going to church, I LIKE going to church, I enjoy a good message. I don't like feeling like I'm being forced to attend though.
And, the particular philosophies they taught were a bit too in line with the dangerous parts of my exhusband's personality for my own tastes so we stopped going.
After I had my 3d child, it was like our SECOND night out as parents away from kids...I was all glammed up in my jeans and cute top and sparkley heels...
and the preacher and his wife showed up. They wanted us to come to Bible stude.
Hi. No. I'm dressed like a high dollar hooker. I'm going to the club tyvm.

Another time we were watching "What Lies Beneath" and the kids were in bed, so we were laying there in the living room floor, kinda creeped out by it but whatever, and my exhusband was just....dozing...and the preacher and his wife showed up to ask if we were coming to church Sunday morning.
They got met at the door with a baseball bat.

Mormons? Oh dear Lord. Mormons won't come NEAR me anymore. As soon as I find out someone's Mormon they just know I'm not buying into their faith, so leave the dogma alone.
My sister in law is Mormon, and there are times I just want to look at her and say "OF ALL OF THE EFFING RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD TO BELIEVE IN YOU CHOOSE THIS ONE??????" ack.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
These people had no CONCEPT of when an appropriate time to pay a visit was, so they'd show up at 10 at night, or 8 in the a.m.

I just look thru the peephole and don't answer the door ... but one morning because I was just out of the shower and feeling ubersnarky, I answered the door with a towel barely wrapped around me. Those mormon boys ran like they had caught fire.


Well-known member
LOL I did not.

Honestly y'all, we have a door mat that says "We've found God, we love our vacuum cleaner, and we gave at the office." and they READ THE DAMN THING then rang my doorbell.