Ok seriously. (Germophobic rant)


Well-known member
People, when you go to the MAC store, keep your freaking kids out of the emmereffing makeup. I am so skeeved out every freaking time I go into the store and I see four or five little girls PLAYING IN THE
MAKEUP WITH THEIR FINGERS and rubbing it all over their faces and just all around playing.
Got shadow on your fingers? No problem. *lick* *wipe* *stick fingers in new shadow*
And to make it worse the little brats are crowding the shadows
. I don't mind getting out of legitimate customers' way while I'm browsing, but when little fucking kids are trampling me while their mama is over in the foundations it fucking pisses me OFF.

I've GOT four kids. I am taking pains to raise my kids so that by golly when I take them in public they behave like normal fucking human beings instead of hyped up monkeys on crack in unfamiliar territory.
I don't want your kids' nasty funk on my person, I don't want to "Oh honey just try it out and see if you like it" at the MAs advice (while she's busy with someone else) after seeing your little snotnosed brat sticking her grubby assed dogpetters in the freaking pigments/shadows/blushes/lipglasses/ccbs/whateverthefuckthey'retouchingnow. THANKS anyway.
My daughter was with me tonight and she saw the little girls playing in the makeup and at NINE YEARS OF AGE she was positively SCANDALIZED that those girls' mothers were ALLOWING that behaviour.
My daughter, as I was waiting to tell the MA what I wanted, asked me if I really intended to try ANY of the makeup those girls were touching. No. Honey, I do not!!

Just. ARGH!!!


Well-known member
PREACH! amen sistah shimma! amen and hallelujah!
SO true tho.. that PISSES me off to no end, and then THEY look at YOU cross eyed when u ask them to control their kids
wtf man???


Well-known member
IAWTT X 100000000000.

I'm already skeeved at the foulness of cosmetics counters, and it's not helped when I see Snotty Child no.842038430982093 licking an eyeshadow or trying to put a lipgelee up his/her nose.

My mother was from the 'if your dare to act up in public I'll twist your ear off' school of parenting, so half the time when I'm in stores now I still automatically walk with my hands behind my back.


Well-known member
dude, my mother would just turn around and give me "THE LOOK". to THIS DAY (and i'm a grown married woman) when i'm acting up
she turns and gives me "THE LOOK", and i'm 5 years old again!
ha ha haha ha my husband keeps saying he needs to learn it from her!


Well-known member
i took my lil 4 yr old brother with me the other when we were out shopping n even he had the decency to just sit there on the stool while i got what i wanted! bratz pi ss me off literally, i dont want no boogers on my face while tryin on a blush or sommet


Well-known member
I'm of the "I'll snap your fingers off if you reach out to touch a DAMNED thing I don't grant you permission to..." school of thought.
I won't try ANYTHING in the mac store because of how gross it is!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
dude, my mother would just turn around and give me "THE LOOK". to THIS DAY (and i'm a grown married woman) when i'm acting up
she turns and gives me "THE LOOK", and i'm 5 years old again!
ha ha haha ha my husband keeps saying he needs to learn it from her!

My four year old has a clear understanding of that same "Look".

Hell. Even OTHER PEOPLE'S KIDS understand my look. I have no problem having ANY of the tball team my son is on take heed upon my first warning.

Why is it so freaking hard to control kids???


Well-known member
coz mayb the mothers become possessed wen they see mac make up they 4get their darlin children


Well-known member
I am a server. Time and again I have to stand at the table while little jimmy cries how he wants hot dogs. We don't sell hot dogs. I don't want to listen to your kid wine about it for 10 minutes. I also don't want little jimmy running around the table, under servers' feet mind you, while we are walking by. Can I just say I know exactly what you are saying Shimmer! Why do kids seem to be in charge nowadays?


Well-known member
When I was manager of a fairly large and somewhat upscale bridal/formal store, and people would bring their kids (KIDS!!!) into the store, I would watch and see how they behaved, and more often than not it required some kind of intervention with me sitting the kids on a bench and telling them DO NOT MOVE.
When questioned, my response was always "Do YOU have on your person RIGHT NOW 3000 cash, NOT check, or available on your credit cards, to pay for the dress(es) your child is going to ruin should s/he be allowed to run amok in my store?.....No? Ok, well, for the duration of your stay within my store, your child will be required to sit on THAT bench and NOT move. Merchandise damaged by customer negligence is the responsibility of the customer, simply put."

RARELY did I get argument.


Well-known member
Preach on, my sisters. I remember when I was little I just knew better than to behave like a pain in the ass because I knew I would get it from my parents.

I was in Sephora the other day, and this little girl (maybe two or three years old?) was running around and touching everything (totally gross) in the already packed store, so I was trying to move around her, which was difficult, and gave her a sort of dirty look. She wouldn't move, so eventually her mother picked her up, and do you know what the little snot did as I walked by? She SLAPPED me. Just reached out and slapped me on the back of the head. I was furious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
Preach on, my sisters. I remember when I was little I just knew better than to behave like a pain in the ass because I knew I would get it from my parents.

I was in Sephora the other day, and this little girl (maybe two or three years old?) was running around and touching everything (totally gross) in the already packed store, so I was trying to move around her, which was difficult, and gave her a sort of dirty look. She wouldn't move, so eventually her mother picked her up, and do you know what the little snot did as I walked by? She SLAPPED me. Just reached out and slapped me on the back of the head. I was furious.

she slapped you? omgwtfyou thats like so absurd wot did u do


Well-known member
lol. I think make up testers period are nasty. wether it be little kids picking around them or grown people. just gross.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moonrevel
She wouldn't move, so eventually her mother picked her up, and do you know what the little snot did as I walked by? She SLAPPED me. Just reached out and slapped me on the back of the head. I was furious.

she slapped you??? dude i SERIOUSLY hope the mother apologized. DUDE
kiod or no kid, i would have had some serious words with her mom.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
she slapped you? omgwtfyou thats like so absurd wot did u do

She slapped me! Honestly, I was so stunned by it that all I could do was give her the familiar "look" one gives to horrible children. It was one of those moments where about five minutes later when I recovered my wits I realized that I really wanted to give the mother a piece of my mind, but they were long gone by then.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
she slapped you??? dude i SERIOUSLY hope the mother apologized. DUDE
kiod or no kid, i would have had some serious words with her mom.

Like I said above, I would have if I hadn't been so taken aback by it at first. I don't have children yet, but I can imagine that the worst thing about that encounter was that the kid had to learn it from somewhere, right, so one wonders if the mother would have even cared.


Well-known member
That is nasty! So far I've never seen that at the make-up counters I've been to. But, I know my kids don't ever touch anything...or dare ask for anything when we go into stores. They know better. I hate seeing bad kids running around in stores period.