OMG Haul!!!


Well-known member
The MAC Counter that time forgot:
The new peach blush from Neo Sci-Fi, Mauvement pigment sample, Mi-Lady MSF e/s, Family Silver MSF e/s, 3N lipstick- they had all the N collection lipsticks, almost all of Heatherette, tons of Fafi, tons of N Collection (no MSFs though), tons of Antiquitease and other LE pigments (Including Your Ladyship, Sweet Sienna, Mauvement, Revving Up, etc- most of Rushmetal)
It's in the Pinnacle Hills Dillards in Rogers, AR. Janelle is the sweetest MA ever!!


Clockwise from Left: Sephora exclusive Clinique Lotus Blossom trio, Stila Champagne trio, Sephora excl. Clinique Rain Forest Trio, Some Kinda Gorgeous sample, Sephora excl. Clinique BlueBelle trio- these trios are amazing. So much pigmentation (way more than normal for Clinique), great iridescence- I'm already thinking about backups for BlueBelle (the blue is incredible!!!) and Rainforest.



Well-known member
That is such an awesome haul!! Man, I wish your counter was my counter! And those Clinique trios look so gorgeous! Enjoy!


Well-known member
our counter is like that, we have a 'limited drawer' that we keep all the 'old' collection stuff before we have to send it back to MAC
I always get sad when we have to do our RTVs. Makes me want to buy it all!!
Enjoy your stuff!

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