OMG so happy


Well-known member
So today I went in the mall for the first time in a LONG ass's about 30 mins from where I live..I don't drive many places and haven't driven there before.. it's ALOT of traffic and I'm not a really experienced my sis in law took me and my mom to the mall after I had a doctor's appt. anyways in Belk's there was a picture that looked I look at it again to make sure and it was that danse picture. I was like OMG they have MAC here! hehe It's been YEARS since I've been to this mall.. I thought they didn't sell MAC anywhere near anyways on to what I got.

*flashmode l/g
*amber lights e/s
*beauty marked e/s (which is gorrrgeouuss..if you don't have it yet get it!)
*humid e/s
*plum dressing e/s
*deep truth e/s

as you can tell I love eyeshadow.. lol
I wanted to get more but my mom was paying for it.. so..:p she got Idol lipstick and something else.. can't remember..haha some lipstick!