Opening my own bank account...


Well-known member
I've been putting money in my moms bank account and I need to open up my own because I dont want my mom to spend any of my money especially money that is for school. I had 350 bucks and only spent 160 for books and next thing we are selling our clothes and stuff to make more money and I asked her what happened to the other money and she didnt answer me. So im still really mad about the money being gone because I had to drop a class, and still dont know where that money went. I dont know why I never opened my own account earlier when I had so much money because now its all gone.

I dont want to sound stupid but how do you open a bank account? Do I need to bring some certain type of ID? anything?


Well-known member
Oh hon, that sounds tough. I hope that everything is okay!
About opening your own account, you'll need an ID - probably your driver's license. A lot of banks have special accounts for students that have no minimum balance. You're also going to need your social security number. Once you do open your account, make sure that you don't accidently overdraw your account - the fees are murder - seriously!


Well-known member
thanks, but what if I dont have a diver's license yet? I passed my permit test but stupid me I forgot to mark down that I needed an ID card for it. I do have a social security number. But will they not accept me if I dont have a Driver's license?


Well-known member
*raises hand* u will need to have some form of primary i.d like a passport, driver's license or state i.d along with your social security card or voters registration or school i.d as secondary to open a bank account. like the poster above said, many banks have free student checking and savings accounts. they will pull a credit report but don't worry if u don't have a beacon score yet. many college students don't since they have no credit. which bank are u thinking of using? check out some the websites to see who has the best deal for u..,, etc.


Well-known member
Im not sure I have a few in mind, there's washington mutual, wells fargo, or bank of america. Not sure which one is better though.


Well-known member
i believe you'll need two peices of ID, one being a picture so u can use a school ID also...i think out of the banks u mentioned, u should go with WAMU or Wells Fargo...B of A has ridicoulous fees...


Well-known member
My bank required a photo ID (license, ID, school ID, whatev, just so long as it had a photo and name printed).

A secondary ID with my name printed/embossed on it (I used a credit card but lots of things will work).

Proof of residence (something with an address on it, a lot of banks do this now because of the whole terrorist thing).

A way to fund my new account (a check, cash, something...most require $100 or $150 to open an account, and most banks offer special accounts to students and/or free checking accounts that do not require a minimum balance, etc.)

My employers name and phone number.