Oral/Anal sex


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Treat it like an ice cream cone. Swirl your tongue around the glans, flick your tongue over the frenulum, and control your pace. That may help.


But c'mon Shim, nothing like looking him in the eye when your lips are touching the base of his shaft, and he can't see any of his cock (although i guess if he's huge this wont be possible LOL )
They always make noises when that happens!

Also like, you don't always have to have his cock in your mouth. You can like lick him from the base to the tip, and back down. Not to mention his two little boys down below, don't forget those! And you can also use your hands while your giving him a blow job. I find if i just stick to the tip, he's done in like a few minutes max. Although when i want him to cum, thats where i put all my attention. I guess it just depends on how long of a blow job I'm in the mood to give.

Eye contact is key though imho. it's like giving him that porn star expierence.


Well-known member
If it's taking a long time, your probably focusing too much on the shaft, and not enough on his tip. Thats like a guy giving you oral, and not licking your clit. Sure it feels nice, but it's gonna take a long time to get an orgasm if he's only hitting the spot now and again.

That's also maybe why your gagging? Since the only way I can think of gagging is if his cock is hitting the back of your tongue/throat where your gag reflex is too often. Maybe try just putting your mouth around the head of his cock, and using your tongue there. And if you wanna give his shaft some attention, you can always go down on it from the outside, you don't have to always have his cock in your mouth. Hell, jerk him off a little, give your mouth a break if you need too if he's slow to go
Not like they ever complain when your giving their dick attention LOL!

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I think I'm awful at it because it takes FOREVER for him to get off.

I start gagging like.. 10 minutes in or something. I just can't take it anymore.

hahaha no his wee wee isn't dirty, and he doesn't push it in too far , I have my hand on it to , to prevent that.

and yeah cum is definitely an acquired taste lol, I've discovered if i keep it under my tongue while im reaching around for water, I can handle it. If I try swallowing it with nothing I gag and throw up a little bit. Its like my body is like "excuse me , what the fuck are you about to swallow ?I don't think so honey"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
sure sure...but deep throating takes work.

But it's fun once you get the hang of it.


Well-known member
Deep throating is a parlor trick for whores and carnie sex workers.

I mean that in the best way possible (and not because I can't do it, 'cause I can, I just don't feel like it...)

The farthest I goes as far as Funhouse hooker sex acts is rimming, provided of course that things are clean and well kept.


Well-known member
Ok....I am into quite a few things but I can't swallow. Actually, I won't. Maybe I will in the future for my husband or something but I don't like the taste of semen. I'm one of those, "tell me when you're going to cum" girls. Actually, now I'll only give head with a condom on anyway so it's a mute point.


Well-known member
Lmao!!! I giggle snorted when I read that hahahah.

Well It's perfectly legal to talk about buggery in the UK. Age of consent is 16 for straight kids over here. Lesbians don't have a legal age of consent but for gays it's 18 (Just incase anyone was interested).


Well-known member
I'm completely fine, I enjoy giving oral, recieving too but i actually get more kicks out of giving it.

As for anal, fun
I cant say I can compare it to oral as to me its something completely different.I liked the idea of it more then I actually enjoyed it though. Ive done it about twice now. I know my boyfriend really likes it but I think he prefers to see me more dominant - and that suits me fine. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
edit: My husband is demanding I point out that the last time I took legal mind altering substances, I sought the anal. I have no idea why this is important to him but hey. It's out there now. Apparently popping an ambien and chasing it with a beer will do that to you. ANNNND you won't remember it the next morning.

I.am.dying. Dying.

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I think I'm awful at it because it takes FOREVER for him to get off.

I start gagging like.. 10 minutes in or something. I just can't take it anymore.

hahaha no his wee wee isn't dirty, and he doesn't push it in too far , I have my hand on it to , to prevent that.

and yeah cum is definitely an acquired taste lol, I've discovered if i keep it under my tongue while im reaching around for water, I can handle it. If I try swallowing it with nothing I gag and throw up a little bit. Its like my body is like "excuse me , what the fuck are you about to swallow ?I don't think so honey"

Your body and mine LOL. I hate those times when it takes so damn long that my jaw feels like its going to fall off.

I have to say that this is the most random thread ever and I love all of you guys. Even if you are deviants.


Well-known member
I offered this advice to someone in PM, but I'll go ahead and make it public too...

If you've got a strong gag reflex that won't let you...um...perform as well as you'd like, get a spare toothbrush and brush the back of your tongue with it. Lots of people brush their tongue when they brush their teeth, but deliberately brush the back of your tongue with it, while sticking your tongue out.
Give it a week or two of doing this consistently, and the gag reflex should die down a lot.


Well-known member
I went to one of those sex toy parties & they actually had some type of gel or something edible that was supposed to help with this. One of my co-workers bought it because she had this same problem.

Shimmers advice is great though, since it's free and good for your breath!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
Lmao!!! I giggle snorted when I read that hahahah.

Well It's perfectly legal to talk about buggery in the UK. Age of consent is 16 for straight kids over here. Lesbians don't have a legal age of consent but for gays it's 18 (Just incase anyone was interested).

Is it true that back in the old days a bugger was a little boy who was paid to be underneath the table and orally service those who sat at the table?? My 9th grade science teacher told me this lol...

You guys have given a lot of good advice. I'm gonna have to try it...next time I'm in the mood for some hot butt sex. :hump:

As far as rimming goes, my boyfriend has done it to me. :nod: I didn't really ask him but we talked about it and one day he was giving me oral and he just lifted my butt up and got to work lol. It felt good...I'm not extremely into it but it was okay. He said it tasted like nothing...what a trooper! lol


Well-known member
Perhaps I missed it, but to those of you who have been rimmed, would you rim your man-assuming of course he asks nicely after stepping out of a hot shower.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Perhaps I missed it, but to those of you who have been rimmed, would you rim your man-assuming of course he asks nicely after stepping out of a hot shower.

Good question!!


Well-known member
No rimming. I just...No.
Butt sex? Okies.
Prostate stimulation? Alrighty.
Sex toys? Charge the batteries baby!
Oral? Let's go.


Fuck that. I hate it. I get squeamish and ewwies. Ew. No. It feels like...ugh. Me no likey. In fact, I told him that if he ever did it again, that would pretty much end the romp because yuck. *shudder*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No rimming. I just...No.
Butt sex? Okies.
Prostate stimulation? Alrighty.
Sex toys? Charge the batteries baby!
Oral? Let's go.


Fuck that. I hate it. I get squeamish and ewwies. Ew. No. It feels like...ugh. Me no likey. In fact, I told him that if he ever did it again, that would pretty much end the romp because yuck. *shudder*


I know alot of women (and men for that matter) like to be rimmed. I'm not into it either. When they are down there I can't stop thinking, "why would anyone want to do this to someone?"


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm kind of iffy on rimming too. My boyfriend and I were talking about this thread the other day (by the way, thanks! We've had a few good conversations as a result of this thread) and we agreed that any 'bum stuff' should happen in a shower. I don't think I would enjoy rimming, but I'm pretty willing to try things. My bf asked me if there was anything I wasn't willing to try, and after a bit of thought I told him that I'm not the sharing kind, so no group sex. It was pretty funny.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Perhaps I missed it, but to those of you who have been rimmed, would you rim your man-assuming of course he asks nicely after stepping out of a hot shower.

While i've never done that... I hear ceranwrap is good for keeping those nasty intestinal bacteria out of ur mouth ;p

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