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"Orange Smorange..." Tutorial


Well-known member
"Orange Smorange..." Tutorial

Hello, this was a request from one of my FOTDs. I hope you enjoy! Thank you in advance!

Apply a primer, make sure you apply it all over your lid as well as your browbone. I use Too Faced Shadow Insurance and rub it using your finger.

Apply Evening Aura to your inner lid with a 242 brush.

The results

Apply Rule e/s to your inner lid with a 213 brush

Apply Amber Lights to outer and crease with a 224 brush.

Apply Magnetic Fields on top of A.L. to outer and crease with a 224 brush.

Apply Rice Paper using a 217 brush to the brow bone.

Get a wipe and wrap it around your pointing finger. Start from outer then work your way up to outer part of brow.

Apply Dipdown fluidline onto your upper lash with a 266 brush. Then apply mascara (which I didn't do) then your done!
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Well-known member
well, wouldya lookit that...