Our Dog Chopper


New member
I've been doing research about our Chopper, who is roughly a 2 yr old American Boxer. We're worried about him. Over the course of a month (we're moving currently, so the time frame will not be accurate on how fast we noticed his weight loss), he went from a healthy weight (not overweight, by any means) to ribs, vertabrea, and hips/pelvis showing. He was infected about 3-4 months ago with Ticks, I took them off and he doesnt have anymore, he gets a dosage of flea and tick once a month. I cannot afford to go to vet, but Im at wits end, first, I would like to try a HIGH protein and lots of carb diet, that I will make. I've gotten a couple of receipes for the dog meal, and also treats for him - Healthy weight gain mix for food, and then the fattening treats.

I've checked his stool, no worms, no diarrhea, no vomiting, no coughing. When he eats, he inhales it so fast that he makes himself sick (could be a result of a previous dog we had- she would eat her food, then push him out of way for his also, and when we tried to correct it, he would just not eat). He is still VERY active, but very very skinny. Every Boxer I have met, and been around are like camels when it comes to water, so thats not the issue either.

I also got a receipe for homemade dewormer, because dewormer medician is poison, and if Chopper already isnt doing good, I'm not going to put poison into him, not when I can give him something that wont hurt him at all.

How fast does the fattening diet start working? Any thoughts?
Did you try maybe a low cost shelter around your area? This could be an underlying problem which is kinda seems like from what you're saying. A low cost shelter costs maybe $15-30 for a check up and then you can go from there, they also offer some payment plans :/ That's the only thing I can think of for this, since I used to volunteer at one.. it can be helpful.

The ticks could have been a part of it, but I'm really don't think so... tick born diseases normally cause swelling, and most dogs then don't want to be playful at all and sometimes have seizures. If he's still playful it's probably not that but you can never rule it out either. He may have a thyroid problem... which one dog had when he came in to the low cost shelter I used to work at. He was super thin but playful and loving, his owners said he had just low weight out of no where.

It could also be just stress... there's a ton of possibilities... since dogs can't talk it's so hard to tell :/ I hope you find out what's making Chopper be like this. And I'm sorry I can't be of more help.