Our newest family member!


Well-known member
Meet Kiki, kiki is an 8 week old tortoiseshell Persian. Ian and I went to Houston this weekend to pick her up!
We're already totally in love with her, she's got a wonderful personality and is everything I dreamed of. I can't wait to watch her grow and share many wonderful years with her.






Well-known member
Look at that exotic looking baby fur angel! Wow! She is beautiful. My experience with persians has been great. They are very gentle and have sweet personalities.


Well-known member
I love persians - they're like big fluffy teaddybears! (Though some can think they're royalty...)
She has such stunning eyes - i like how she has the opposite to 'panda eye' going on there!


Well-known member
Awwww... such a cutie pie. Makes me want another one. But then I look at my two howling bengals and think, "Nuh uh. Not til I can go through a whole day without wanting to throw something at them for being naughty."


Well-known member
OH MY GOD...how precious!!! you are making me sooo jealous. i want another baby sooo badly, but my hubby put the kibosh on that. he says the two we have are two to many - what a hater!

btw, those are my babies in my pic.


Well-known member
asdfalksdfj lksadfjk Janice I want to pet her and love her and squeeze her and hold her. SO FREAKING CUTE>


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
Awwww... such a cutie pie. Makes me want another one. But then I look at my two howling bengals and think, "Nuh uh. Not til I can go through a whole day without wanting to throw something at them for being naughty."

Lol! I know what you mean, we have one in the house at the mo because of the fireworks... She keeps running laps of the house

Ms. Z

Well-known member
She is sooooooooo adorable! Her eyes look turquoise; turquoise & brown, one of my favorite color combos. I wish you all a wonderful life together. xoxo