Overdone Tan

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i didnt know wat area to put this topic in.

Earlier on I saw a girl in my class and her tan looked so terrible :| her whole face was brick/orangey red colour but the rest of her was normal skin colour, it was obvious that she went OTT with the tan and used dark foundation. Why do people insist that it looks good when it doesnt?

rahh rant over lol


Well-known member
lol ive seen this before
well it was actually a girl who was extremely pale and got a spray tan and it turned so blotchy and bright orange, it was hilarious you couldnt help but stare at her

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Willing to bet that she didn't use a bed, but rather sunless lotion.

That stuff is tricky to put on without looking like a fool. She should have practiced with it over the summer to master it before going in public like that. lol.


Well-known member
Yeah I saw a girl on the first day of school, she was a bright orange-brown, but very splotchy like she didn't exfoliate regularly. The sad part was that she was very pretty and dressed nicely and the fake tan ruined it.

She really thought she looked hot though, I was tempted to suggest an exfoliator but then I reconsidered. I would probably be embarrassed to have a stranger comment on my faults. If her friends aren't telling her, then I don't have any business butting in.


Well-known member
I always find it worrying watching some of the US news channels that the presenters are absolutely bright orange. CNN used to be the worst offender but I think they've improved recently due to new lighting techniques, new makeup (for HDTV) and better cameras.


Active member
There are a ton of girls that I go to school with that look like oompa loompas. They use tanning beds and then slather themselves in tanner, I live in Washington, where there isnt a whole lot of sun, so it looks freakishly unnatural.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I always find it worrying watching some of the US news channels that the presenters are absolutely bright orange.

To me, everyone that fake bakes looks orange. I see people IRL and I think, "How can anyone think that looks flattering?"


Well-known member
lol at you all!!

I agree, fake tans should be used very carefully, I'm very happy that there are now a few light tanning bodymilks and facial moisturizers, to build up a tan in a few days. But I don't think that any of the above mentioned persons is interested in anything natural, lol!


Well-known member
it's obvious there trying to pick up one of those hot oompa loompa guys. I mean c'mon? They work in a chocolate factory! Imagine all the yummy goodies they would bring home to their wife!

And since Oompa Loompa's can only marry other Oompa Loompa's (Are there even any girl Oompa Loompa's?), the fake orange tan is a necesisity.

I know if there were any Oompa Loompa around here, i'd go orange in a second.



Well-known member
Shimmer, I had a friend who was terrified of Oompa Loompas. When my friend, her older sister, was mad at her, she'd turn the movie on and let it blare through the house as payback!

As for fake tans...no. Just no. I live in AZ so people are already exposed to a lot of sun, then they OD on the self-tanner and it's the most absurd look ever. They're occasionally as dark as me but in a terrible orange-brown kind of way.


Well-known member
I pick my little brother up from school sometimes and there is a tanning salon in teh parking lot where i pick him up.. daily i see the same girl and i cant help to do a double take.. tall.. blonde.. terrible looking skin its almost orange.. she looks like an old leather jacket. . .AND. her ampits are white as snow. . its rediculous!!!


Well-known member
There was the one lady who was a teacher at my highschool. She had platinum blonde hair, but she was SO DARK! It was crazy... She was like addicted to the tanning beds...

I can just imagine her in another 20 years... Prolly gonna look like the older lady on SOmething About Mary LOL...


Active member
for prom i overtanned a lot! I wasnt close to orange i looked more crispy brown. My bf at the time and friends loved it...my friend who is half blah half white (and has the most amazing skin ever) laughed at me and told me she doesnt get us white people and tanning. She tells me I look much better just natural. She likes to pick on me bc i think im "pasty" lol. Needless to say since the butthead isnt still around I don't go tan so I wont be all wrinkling when im old. Dont know if this makes any sense im kind of out of it lol. Sorry girls!

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