paint pots? who wants more colors?


Well-known member
i just have a question ladies....who's ready for more paint pot colors? all the collections that have come out recently and nothing new...what about a hot pink or something? agree? disagree?


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

more paintpots please!!


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

I missed out on most of the paintpots so i would definiatly be ready for some new ones!


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

I absolutely agree! I just picked up 3 pp at my CCO (cashflow, nice vice and perky) yesterday and was thinking how they are due to bring some more out any day now! I want them all!


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

I recently found Fafi paint pots in my favourite MAC store! There were plenty of Girlfriendly, Nice Vice and Rollickin' but unfortunately there were no Cashflow
I loooove digging drawers in MAC stores, there are many hidden treasures inside


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

they DEFINITELY need to introduce some more paint pot colours. I would just about die if they came out with a purple one!


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

I would loooooove more paintpot colors! I've been trying some of the Benefit creaseless shadows (which I use as paintpots) and they work great! Also, there's a nice color variety.


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

Yes! They need to make Layin Low part of the permanent line too or at least something like it. They need more pinks too.


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

I agree! More paint pots please MAC. I really thought that they would bring some out with the Hello Kitty collection since there were so many with Fafi but alas... nothing! I was just noticing that my Rollickin had a huge dip in it the other day so it would be nice to see that one return. I've been dreaming of a Hot Pink one forever too as well as a bright green, and a silvery/platinum one. I hope that there will be some new ones sometime this year.


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

put me down for a hot pink one too!! it's so sad that they've not done it yet. and as other have said, hello kitty would have been the perfect collection for a hot pink one.

i would also love a silvery one and also a darker purpley one (like grape pigment but in paint pot form) that would be wicked!


Active member
Re: paint pots?

I vote yes on more paint pots. If I could ask for 3 I would want a true silver, a true gold, and a purple. Hot pink sounds good too but I use fresco rose for pink and it works pretty well.


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

Good Lord I have been singing this for ages! haha
We NEED more paintpots. None of this MSF mumbo jumbo, seen too many of them the past year or two. Ugh


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

Mmmm. I'd love some more too - really bright colours; Hot Pinks, Firey Reds, Lush Greens, Bright Blues, and a true silver - oh yeah.

EDIT: and purple!!


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

I have been wishing for a Pure White one as well! I really hope they make one oneday.. in the meantime, I bought a Pure White Chromaline and have been using that as I would a paint pot.........

I think some nice vibrant clean matte colors would be nice... A clean baby pink would be wicked.. something the color of Out to Shock Lipstick.. and a clean lavendar would be nice too.. Like the color of Li'Lily eyeshadow... and yes, a dark purple that is hte same color as grape pigment would be great too... I think paint pots are one of my favourite MAC items......


Well-known member
Re: paint pots?

i just recently started to collect paint pots - specifically the LE ones and i'd love for some new colors to come out. purple, white, hot pink - those all sound great!!! also maybe like a real lime green. something much more shocking than the one from the mcqueen collection.