Paints or Shadesticks as a base?


Well-known member
I have noticed that alot of you use either Mac paints or the shade sticks as a base for your e/s. Which do you use and why? And do you use a neutral shade or color? TIA!


Well-known member
I use paints and shadesticks. I swear by my stilife paint because it's such a versatile paint that i can use it under pretty much any eyeshadow. When i use shadesticks i tend to use a colour that compliments the eyeshadow i'm wearing - for example, sea me for when i wear blues and greens. I really suggest trying both because most people tend to have a strong preference for one or the other. I think they both work amazingly!


Well-known member
i use both depending on how i feel. i know that sounds lame, but they dry similarly so it doesn't usually matter. canton candy paint or gracious me shadestick for pinks, and i have a couple of other colored paints, but usually bare canvas, stilife or beige-ing shadestick as staples.

imo, paints are easier to use since they don't require as much effort to put them on as shadesticks do (i wear contacts too, so the shadesticks get a little uncomfortable), but the shadesticks sometimes do a better job of enhancing the color of the shadow.


Well-known member
Shadesticks all the way. I have oily lids and paints crease on me. I think I am the opposite of everyone else! I adore the colors, they are easy to use and they last on me. Silverbleu is amazing! Maybe try one of each to see which you prefer. It's all about preference.


Well-known member
I use my shimmersand shadestick as a base everyday, it keeps the color lasting and gives the browbone a nice subtle highlight...

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