Palmers Cocoa Butter


Active member
depends how long you take to heal, it varys from person to person, some people whose skin heals quickly only use it for about a month but I heal slowly and it took me using the product for about 3 months for the scar to disappear i hope this helped


Well-known member
I love this stuff. I used it many of times just when my skin was dry it works really well. you just got to keep that regiment!


Well-known member
I love it but I don't use it as often as I want/should. I get kind of lazy.. hehe. But yeah, it's a GREAT product: it moisturizes, tones and also heals scars!


New member
Originally Posted by naynaykilla
depends how long you take to heal, it varys from person to person, some people whose skin heals quickly only use it for about a month but I heal slowly and it took me using the product for about 3 months for the scar to disappear i hope this helped

2nd naynay

Also make sure you use it morning and night.


Well-known member
I used this all through my pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. Until I had my son, and he was a week overdue and 9lbs. I'm only 4'11" so there was no way to avoid that one. LOL But, that stuff works pretty good.


Well-known member
Oh I've been wanting to try this


Mmmm I've been using it for a year or so keeps my skin so so so soft, smells HEAVENLY and I hardly have any blemishes on my skin. I also don't have any stretchmakrs that are hugely visible. The best time to use it is when you have just come out of the shower. I slather it all over and then wait a few minutes before I get dressed.

Also, the lip blam stick is quite good, and my sister loves the Palmer's fake tanner. I'm yet to try their line of face products, and I'm DYING to try the "face brightening mask".

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