Hi ladies, i'm sorry for posting this on here, but I feel very comfortable on specktra and really enjoy the forum. Well, here goes the story...A few months ago in October, my dad left the computer on that he uses during the day to find a job, since he was unemployed and looking for a job. He left the computer on and my mom found the email address that my dad was hiding from her. He had been talking and meeting up with this guy he knew from high school, Steve, whom he did some sexual things with in high school. When my mom found out, she was floored and very upset, and there was alot of tension between them. My dad flat out lied to my mom and told him that the meet ups with Steve didn't meet anything and the things they were talking about together online (mostly sexual) were just 'the way you talked online'. So my mom wanted to divorce him for a while, but decided to give him another chance and they agreed to work on their marriage.
Now it is January and things have been seeming weird again. My brother and I were home for winter break for a while, and we noticed my dad would have the door of the computer room shut all day and when we walked in he would immediately shut the screen off or X out of windows messenger. Today, my mom asked me to clean up the computer, since it was running really slow. Well, while cleaning it, I found a keylogger program that they installed last year to try and keep me away from my ex boyfriend who was harassing me. The keylogger, which logs everything that is typed on the computer or websites used , was still running and logging everything. I looked at the report and found all these things that my dad does during the day....he has an alias that he uses at gay.com and an email address that he uses to contact people he meets online and meets in person. I was jawdropped at the things i read and very upset.
My dad is cheating on my mom behind her back and I don't know what to do about this. They've been married for 30 years, which is a long time...Maybe i shouldn't meddle in their relationship?
If you have read all of this, thank you sooo much, from the bottom of my heart , I truly appreciate it! Advice would be really helpful, thanks!
Now it is January and things have been seeming weird again. My brother and I were home for winter break for a while, and we noticed my dad would have the door of the computer room shut all day and when we walked in he would immediately shut the screen off or X out of windows messenger. Today, my mom asked me to clean up the computer, since it was running really slow. Well, while cleaning it, I found a keylogger program that they installed last year to try and keep me away from my ex boyfriend who was harassing me. The keylogger, which logs everything that is typed on the computer or websites used , was still running and logging everything. I looked at the report and found all these things that my dad does during the day....he has an alias that he uses at gay.com and an email address that he uses to contact people he meets online and meets in person. I was jawdropped at the things i read and very upset.
My dad is cheating on my mom behind her back and I don't know what to do about this. They've been married for 30 years, which is a long time...Maybe i shouldn't meddle in their relationship?
If you have read all of this, thank you sooo much, from the bottom of my heart , I truly appreciate it! Advice would be really helpful, thanks!