Paris Hilton John M response...


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

lol yes!!! i laughed too


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.


mccains ad was so annoying and lame way to not say n e thing important and just look like an ass


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

I totally loved this. I saw it last night and thought it was genius. I love when she says "See you at the debates, bitches!" Priceless!!!


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

I thought it was very well done! And I generally am not a fan of Hilton's but this was dead on, LOL!


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

I lol'd so hard. This made me wanna <333 Paris. It was priceless and I thought McCain's ad was a wee bit tacky and Paris' rebuttal was fab.

Loves it.

Would any of you vote for her over McCain or Obama? :p


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

that white haired dude's add was def. tacky. Way Way tacky.

I LOVE this clip. I thought it was absolute genius. Paris gets points for this one.


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

Does any one watch the OC??? Well Paris made a Cameo and she was supposedly finishing a Doctorate from Princeton or some Ivy League school... but told one of the Characters not to tell anyone b/c she had an Image to uphold lol... I do honestly sometimes wonder just how *dumb* some of the girls are or if they are really smart and play the part ....


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

HAHAHAHA! Keith Olbermann reported on this last night and after the ad aired he said ""And has she been properly vetted?" from the Nicole Richie campaign".


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

Originally Posted by KikiB
HAHAHAHA! Keith Olbermann reported on this last night and after the ad aired he said ""And has she been properly vetted?" from the Nicole Richie campaign".

lol, I saw that. great stuff.


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

it was kind of silly.. her tryin to inch her way back into the spotlight. Clever. yet so very scripted.


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

I liked it. I have never been a huge fan of the girl because I see her as a silly, vapid airhead. But, this ad surprised me. Her comedic delivery was dead on. I didn't think she had it in her.


Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

Lol I honestly think that McCains add was immature I mean how old is he? I wouldn't vote for Paris but I think the video was funny. It was right on point! I haven't been watching the news everyday but whenever I get to sit down and watch McCain all I hear is negative things about Obama.


Well-known member
Re: Paris Hilton rebuttal.

Originally Posted by honeybee28
Lol I honestly think that McCains add was immature I mean how old is he? I wouldn't vote for Paris but I think the video was funny. It was right on point! I haven't been watching the news everyday but whenever I get to sit down and watch McCain all I hear is negative things about Obama.

I don't really follow politics that much, mostly because I'm working on my thesis right now and planning my wedding which takes up all of my time and brain power.

But from what I have heard and seen of the political ads, I have noticed McCain's ads are all about bashing Obama.
Basically, not saying anything good about McCain but just saying, "Obama is really bad, so vote for McCain!!!"

I fail to see why anyone would vote for someone who doesn't reveal anything about themselves or their plan for the country but really just knows how to say that someone else might be worse. Has he ever said what he is all about? I'm honestly kind of curious....

But, that is just from what I've seen. I've heard bad stuff about both of them and I haven't really been following every little thing on the debates and plans, etc.
I probably should...although, I am moving out of the US in January, but I bet since I will still be a citizen the things they do in the US will def. still affect me.


Well-known member
yeah, i saw this and paris's response which was hilarious. it was just dumb of mccain because paris's parents are HUGE supporters of him and his campaign and donated like $5,000 to him (which to them isn't a lot of money but still)! not smart. i've never liked paris but her response was funny as hell and i don't blame her ;-)

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member

Paris is very underestimated. I think the response is genius, though, I know she most likely didn't come up with it all by herself LOL

It's true though, McCain is a douche for that.