Parrot is being re-released!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
So basically we shouldn't hold our collective breaths about this one...?

Pretty much, yeah. Not to be negative, but this has been said so many times from 'official' sources that ultimately always fizzle out, it's hard to take it seriously any more. Nearly every week someone posts here or on LJ that they heard from a friend/MA/someone who works at EL/etc that Parrot/Stereo Rose/________ was being re-released, and it's yet to eventuate.

It probably will be re-released one day, but it'll be like Moth Brown - not a peep was known about it coming out with Barbie until the first round of official pre-release information was given out to prominent beauty bloggers and industry rags.


Well-known member
I guess we shall see in about 6 months or maybe more.
The last time I saw them working on something was on the jewelmarine glitter and it did come out.
I really want it to be released again soon! I missed it the first time and only have a used one.
I will ask more info the next time that I will go there to my friend who is part of the Pro team and works at the Flatiron store. He is on vacation right now...

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I passed on it the 1st time it was released, this time I wont; I'm really looking forward to owning this color. Thanks for the heads up.


Well-known member
If it is true I'll finally get to see this notorious Parrot. It's only mid last year I really started to get into MAC


Well-known member
yay this makes me happy! i sold my parrot e/s to a friend b/c honestly i never reached for it that much (it was too bright for me) but now i'm kicking myself in the butt b/c it was such a pretty color and now i have a use for it LOL. thank you so much for sharing this!


Well-known member
I've never seen parrot in real life before because i wasn't into makeup back then. I can't wait until it comes out. I'll be buying a couple of these! From the swatches, it looks gorgeous!


Well-known member
I dont really believe it .. I wish I did but to make part of the pro line limited? that doesnt go with my understanding of the pro line, it is perm.. hence being part of the pro line, so all and all I really think the ma didnt know what she was completly talking about.. maybe its something close who knows but then again there are quite alot of close shadows of that shade of teal.

I wont be holding my breath, but I wont be unhappy if it does come out either


Well-known member
I think at some point MAC probably will rerelease the color. They have rereleased Moth Brown, Endless Love and Showstopper as well as various MSF's. I think Parrot and Lucky Green will be making encores at some point (perhaps reincarnated with differet names), but who knows when...


Well-known member
It is reasonable to assume that Parrot will be re-released, as MAC has already released it 3 times! At the same time, wouldn't it be time to move on, LOL? They released it as Kicky Blue in the Liza PM quad in October 2003, again as an LE single with Salsabelle in May 2004, and again as a color in the Jewel Eye Holiday palette in October 2004.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tash
I don't remember any major huge hype about Shimpagne.

ITA, I want Metal Rock, Stereo Rose, Gold Deposit, and yes New Vegas


Well-known member
Actually Shimpagne had a huge amount of hype associated with it, before it was released again last year. Now they've re-released it twice, so people are pretty over it. I think three quarters of the hype is that it isn't available. I imagine many of the Barbie items, firespot and lightscapade will become the new hyped items from this year, especially for people who are just finding MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
I dont really believe it .. I wish I did but to make part of the pro line limited? that doesnt go with my understanding of the pro line, it is perm.. hence being part of the pro line, so all and all I really think the ma didnt know what she was completly talking about.. maybe its something close who knows but then again there are quite alot of close shadows of that shade of teal.

I wont be holding my breath, but I wont be unhappy if it does come out either

The MA never told me that it was part of the Pro line...
Please read my post again more carefully.
She said that she thought that it'd probably come out with a limited collection of which she was drawing the face charts.
She doesn't know more as off today as I asked her about a week ago.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Actually Shimpagne had a huge amount of hype associated with it, before it was released again last year. Now they've re-released it twice, so people are pretty over it. I think three quarters of the hype is that it isn't available. I imagine many of the Barbie items, firespot and lightscapade will become the new hyped items from this year, especially for people who are just finding MAC.

I can see Lightscapade becoming very hard to come by in the future. It sold out way before Glissade, and I waited on getting my MSF from Danse simply because I could and because I had no idea that people were SO into MAC (this is pre-Specktra). I also wish MAC would rerelease So Ceylon and Metal Rock. Of the MSFs that I missed, those two are the ones I want most. Oh, and Gold Deposit. Afterall, how many light glittery/shimmery golds can MAC make? I know collectors really want Pleasureflush, but if I see one more, light pink, pastel in the vein of Porcelin Pink, Pleasureflush, or Lightscapade, I will scream. There is just now way for deeper skintones to wear those (unless we use it as a shadow).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
I can see Lightscapade becoming very hard to come by in the future. It sold out way before Glissade, and I waited on getting my MSF from Danse simply because I could and because I had no idea that people were SO into MAC (this is pre-Specktra). I also wish MAC would rerelease So Ceylon and Metal Rock. Of the MSFs that I missed, those two are the ones I want most. Oh, and Gold Deposit. Afterall, how many light glittery/shimmery golds can MAC make? I know collectors really want Pleasureflush, but if I see one more, light pink, pastel in the vein of Porcelin Pink, Pleasureflush, or Lightscapade, I will scream. There is just now way for deeper skintones to wear those (unless we use it as a shadow).

AMEN sistah!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by syrene78
The MA never told me that it was part of the Pro line...
Please read my post again more carefully.
She said that she thought that it'd probably come out with a limited collection of which she was drawing the face charts.
She doesn't know more as off today as I asked her about a week ago.

I know what you said in your post, that it was going to be part of a limited edition line, but for her to be talking of part of the pro line to be limited makes me feel like she doesnt know what she is talking about, I've talked to MA's at my own prostore the one in LA as well and they said none of the pro line is going to be limited

so I dont believe the what your ma is saying is all *shrugs* whats so hard to understand about that. and if she was drawing the face charts wouldnt she know what the collection was at least called?

but anyways that was off topic I wont believe it until I see it.

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