peeling face :(


Well-known member
i am out in the sun quite a bit & do wear sunscreen & most times a hat, but i guess the sun + wind + salt do it's damage anyway. the area around my mouth and above my jawline are really dry & peeling.. unattractive! i can't wear my foundation or anything because it flakes where my skin is flaking. any tips or home remedies to get rid/minimize the flaking?

thanks everyone.


Well-known member
If I were in your position I would try to keep my skin as hydrated and moisturized as possible. Keep drinking lots and lots of water and maybe try wearing a richer moisturizer during the day and wearing a heavier one at night as well. You can also try applying Rose hip oil (to moist skin) all over the affected area and see if that helps. I would do that morning and night. I recommend MAC Moisturelush cream for a day time cream. It is very hydrating! It might sound crazy but Nivea creme is also great... make sure its the German formula though.

You can also try giving your skin a warm oil massage using jojoba, rose hip, almond or what ever you prefer. Maybe gently exfoliate your face before you do it. Heat up some oil by placing a container with the oil in it into another container with hot water. When its nice and warm gather some on your fingers and massage it into your skin. Get a hot (not too hot) hand towel and put it on your face for a minute or so and then repeat, just letting it sit there (or you can hold it on). You can use a cleanser to remove the oil afterwards or just leave it and moisturize as normal. I do this before I go to bed when my face is feeling dry.


Well-known member
specktrolite, thanks for the advice! i will try some of them out. i've been loading up on water & it seems to be helping a little. unfortunately, my moisturizer (MAC moisturesomething?) isn't working that great.. oh well.
thanks again!