perfect example of people DYING to create drama online


Well-known member
That is the reason I don't go to LJ
As far as I am concerned, you are one of the most unique people here and I love seeing your looks. Just ignore them over there. They have nothing better to do than be jealous of your talent.


Well-known member
why are they bein so mean for? way i see it if anyone can say all that to ma face then i'll believe em, then i'd show em what im made of, ignore them, they're not worth it


Well-known member
i actually think those pictures of the anime eyes are hella cute
you have skills, you have talent and yes, you have a damn chin so they can all STFU. i know you're a strong girl, Spenc, so i'm sure you don't need me to tell you to ignore them; but i'm gonna anyway. you're gorgeous and have a fabulous bone structure IMHO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
i hope you myspaced that brat's email address. b/c if you had, you'd have seen this:

and smiled. b/c not only are you more attractive, you are more kind.

hah! brilliant.

spencoh, your make up skills are awesome. those kids don't understand what it takes to actually draw/paint/apply makeup like that.

they're just being trolls... which are getting more and more common on the internet these days.


Well-known member
They're a bunch of immature people who have nothing better to do. I mean, come on, you're going to make fun of someone you've never met over the internet? They have no lives. It makes them feel better about their own pathetic lives because they don't have to post pictures. Plus, think about all the nice things people said about it here.


Well-known member
haha yes. the one with that crappy aqua icon.
as you can see, she has FABULOUS bone structure. what a fucking troll.

post her picture as a reply. say nothing. just post it. and then laugh.


Well-known member


OOOHHH Child! WTF?!?! I wouldn't even make fun of her. I would reach out to her and offer her ass a makeover.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥


OOOHHH Child! WTF?!?! I wouldn't even make fun of her. I would reach out to her and offer her ass a makeover.

this just made me lol and choke on popcorn. hahaha DAMN.


Well-known member
you girls just made me feel 110% better.

i dont want to be the one to post it though. someone else should hahahaha

god my god it needs to be posted


Well-known member
also feel free to read the contents of karinkafey green star icon's livejournal. dear lord. no wonder this girl is so mean, she is socially awkward and obsessed with anime. i seriously just peed a little reading the part about her online crushes. wtf.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spencoh
you girls just made me feel 110% better.

i dont want to be the one to post it though. someone else should hahahaha

god my god it needs to be posted

Just going by the pic, I knew the chick was tragic and she is.....You are everything she will probably never be. I would totally bust her issue, but I would hate to have the girl in a corner with a rusty razor blade because she is obviously about 75 miles from "Normal" with her needle on E.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Just going by the pic, I knew the chick was tragic and she is.....You are everything she will probably never be. I would totally bust her issue, but I would hate to have the girl in a corner with a rusty razor blade because she is obviously about 75 miles from "Normal" with her needle on E.

you are a seriously hilarious lady. awesome.


Well-known member
OMG, Michie! You are killing me. Too funny!

Spencoh that thread was ridiculous. Consider the source of all of those words. Those people are just ridiculous and petty. Ignore them.

BTW, your amime makeup is amazing! Very creative