i've finally found some pictures of some of my boogers!..Most of these are old..esp the ones of my dog junior from when he was little..but oh well hehe
This is Marsha
This is PK, which stands for pissy kitty cause when she was little she used to pee in the corner of the house lol thank god she switched to kitty litter box!
And PK loves to climb trees in the summer..she always reminds me of that cat from the jungle book..
This is Junior when he was a little baby..excuse my makeup for that day..lol
another pic of junior when he was lil bit bigger lol
Thats Junior in the piggy mud hole lol
Thats bubbles..i have better pics of him..he kinda looks funny there..but he is just lookin out the window lol
This is white kitty..lol unquie name eh?
and this here is Spooky..i've had him ever since i was 5 hehe