PETA's going to be pissed.


Well-known member
My family are a bunch of rednecks...I've told y'all that.
I was explaining to my stepson today the process of chasing chickens when I was a kid and what a pain in the ass it was when the fuckers got loose, and how I hated the fucking birds.
He told me he'd never seen a real live chicken before.

"For real?"

"Well I saw one on the Discovery Channel once but no, I've never seen a real live chicken."

"Holy shit. Ok. So when we go to my mom's again? We're getting a chicken."

And so it is.

We're getting a chicken, and we're going to turn it loose Rocky style in my mom's back yard. First kid to catch a chicken without hurting it (no hurting the animals) gets a twenty from me, and probably another forty to sixty bucks from the rest of the family.

One leghorn rooster, a couple of banty hens, six kids, and close to a hundred bucks. I'm filming this.

My oldest is a complete city kid. My younger three aren't as bad but are really close. They don't even know how to HOLD a chicken, much less catch one.

I've submitted this to my family for their approval and they've given it two thumbs (rather, 35 thumbs) way up. So...

Chicken Chase 07 is on.

My 7 year old is already questioning training techniques and debating the merits of different pairs of shoes. My 14 year old is working out a little more. My daughter is horrified by the idea of touching a bird. My 5 year old is enthralled with the idea of running around my mom's backyard screaming at chickens. My sister is wary. She knows I'll never give her money for free, and that anything she does to get this money is going to result in serious hilarity and laughter.

Dude I'm stoked.

I'm more excited about this than my little brother coming home from Iraq. (Though that's good news too.)


Well-known member
I, being a "city girl," think this is hilarious! I would totally try it if I had the chance.

You should try to make a short video of it!


Well-known member
that reminds me of the festival we have once a year in our village, where the young folks who participate and organize the festival get 7 chickens by the people of the village to kill and eat them (thats so yummy) on monday after the festival weekend. we have some guys trained in slaughtering who do the killing job but you should see some of the girls screaming when one of the chickens got loose... sissys.

catching them was funny, too.

much fun to you and your family.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
I, being a "city girl," think this is hilarious! I would totally try it if I had the chance.

You should try to make a short video of it!

pfffft. We're going to.

We've started laying odds, figuring advantages, and calling people to come watch. Sweet.

Originally Posted by eulchen
that reminds me of the festival we have once a year in our village, where the young folks who participate and organize the festival get 7 chickens by the people of the village to kill and eat them (thats so yummy) on monday after the festival weekend. we have some guys trained in slaughtering who do the killing job but you should see some of the girls screaming when one of the chickens got loose... sissys.

catching them was funny, too.

much fun to you and your family.

Oh I don't want to eat them...eek no...that involves...killing and plucking think the kids would be traumatized. I'll return them to where ever the hell my uncle is getting them, as long as the owner doesn't mind them being scared off laying eggs.


Well-known member
OMG that sounds like it's going to be HILARIOUS! You've got to youtube the video or something so we can all see it


Well-known member
that sounds fun!!! i used to have chickens in my back yard when i was a little girl. i loved chasing them, there is something about the way they run that makes me laugh. LOL
sounds like you are going to have a great day!


Well-known member
It's going to be freaking HYSTERICAL.
Now we just have to figure out when to do this...and...this is Texas. It's probably going to be muddy that weekend. Sweet.


Well-known member
Sounds like rural Mardi Gras.

I was never much on chasing chickens but goats are another story. You're going to have oodles of fun. The muddier the better!


Well-known member
OHHH MY GOD!!!! I work at a farm and it took me sooo long to figure out how to catch those sneaky mother-buckers (<-lol). And even now that I know the process if the bird doesn't want to be caught, they can run fast as hell! Take lots of videos, it sounds like so much fun! Makes me look foward to work on thursday


Well-known member
This is going to be so hilarious!
Hopefully you share some pictures or something of this wonderful event! Have fun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

Oh I don't want to eat them...eek no...that involves...killing and plucking think the kids would be traumatized. I'll return them to where ever the hell my uncle is getting them, as long as the owner doesn't mind them being scared off laying eggs.

we normally dont kill and eat our chicken, too. the regularly visiting fox has taken over that job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by komischkatze
Sounds like rural Mardi Gras.

I was never much on chasing chickens but goats are another story. You're going to have oodles of fun. The muddier the better!

I hate goats. I'm emotionally traumatized from the ones we had when I was a kid.


Well-known member
Oh my God, this reminds me of what we used to do every time we visited Bangladesh! Chasing chickens is SUCH a workout, you're all sweaty and breathless because the birds do not want to hold still for more than .47 seconds. Although in Bangladesh we had chickens because they were for eating...
It was upsetting being a little kid and having your chicken pal be your dinner. However, it ensured that they had healthy, active lives and were treated with so much kindness, so I do think it was for the best.


Well-known member
We slaughtered some hogs when I was a kid, and had some bottle baby calves. Yikes. I like the idea of my food coming from the meat market and the farmer's market. That way I don't have to look it in the eye. Yick.

Then again, I'm prissy about my food. I don't really like pork, and I won't eat chicken with bones in it anymore. I always told myself when I was a kid that if I never had to again, I WOULDN'T!