

Well-known member
I've been looking into becoming a pharmacist on the suggestion of my mom. The medical field is something I want to get into because it seems to make sense since there's high demand and it helps people, which is what I essentially want to do.

However, it would take six years to go to school to become a pharmacist. I already went to school for four years and I feel like I'd be starting all over and that my first degree was a waste. I majored in law and justice because I liked the classes and I wanted to finish school with a B.A., but now I feel like it's useless.

Is anyone here going to become a pharmacist or already is one? I don't really know what to do, on one hand I know I could go back to school and graduate with a specific career but on the other hand, I feel like that means I wasted a lot of money and years of my life on something I'm not even going to use...I hate being so indecisive.


Well-known member
I'm kinda in the same boat you are, where what I originally am in school for is not where I think I will end up. I don't think it's going to work out. I don't think education is ever a waste, but I do understand where you are coming from. I'm sure you might be able to transfer over some general classes, so you don't have to completely start all over again. You have to do what makes you happy, and getting into a job just because you have the schooling for it, does not necessarily mean it will bring fulfillment in your life.


Well-known member
I myself am a veterinarian. My cousin is a registered nurse, and a good family friend is currently in pharmacy school.

If I had it all to do over again, I don't know that I would go to vet school again. I don't see myself as a vet in 20 years. But the training has given me a multitude of career options; the money will give me the chance to take 2 years off and backpack around the world. So I think it was worth it.

I would recommend that you go to pharmacy school. Yes, it takes a long time and costs a lot of money. But the demand for health care professionals in the future will be even higher than it is today. Don't want to sound like a mercenary, but the money opens doors and gives you options. If in the future you later decide that you don't want to be a pharmacist, you can always go do something else.


Well-known member
Thank you for the responses!

Originally Posted by captodometer
Don't want to sound like a mercenary, but the money opens doors and gives you options. If in the future you later decide that you don't want to be a pharmacist, you can always go do something else.

That's exactly how I'm thinking right now, the money would give me a chance to do more things later on when I may finally figure out what my passion is. I think I'm good at going to school, so hopefully I'll be able to get through it, but my only worry is how long it will take for me to graduate. I'm 21 and I should be about 27 when I'm finished, that just seems like such a long amount of time.


Well-known member
I'm 21 and I should be about 27 when I'm finished, that just seems like such a long amount of time. are still young. I'll be 27 next month & I'm very overwhelmed that I am going to have to start again & won't be done until my 30's. I wished I would have started when I was younger, but better late than never I guess.


Well-known member
I think that you should go for it.
I have a BA in Psychology and now I'm working on a second BS in Nursing.
Is it a lot of time in school??
Heck yes.
Is it totally going to be worth it.
Without a freaking doubt.
One thing to six year's you'll be 27 anyway so why not be a 27 year old pharmacist?


Well-known member
One thing to six year's you'll be 27 anyway so why not be a 27 year old pharmacist?

Awesome point!

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
i work in a pharmacy but im not a pharmacist. however, i say if you want to do it, DO IT! the pharmacists at my work love their job and have fun, too. Also, i've overheard them mentioning their payrates and daaaammmmmnnn id go to school for 6 years to make that money. (btw, the pharmacists at my work are making 65 dollars an hour, and then more for holidays and such)


Well-known member
I did the same exact thing you are contemplating on doing. I don't regret starting all over again. Here in New York they don't transfer ANY of your credits into the pharmacy program at all! I started all over again. It's not so bad. Six years is really not that long if you think about it. (This year they made it to seven years) Plus the demand is very high, money is great ..just that I hope you love to work with people.

It's a pretty easy job have a computer that does all the work for you ..drug interactions and what not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sitasati
I did the same exact thing you are contemplating on doing. I don't regret starting all over again.

That's really reassuring, thanks! Were the classes extremely difficult? I'm good at algebra, but I'm not so sure about calculus...I only took elements of calculus when I was a senior in high school. The sciences I've taken in college are geology, plant biology, and life principles biology, which I got A's and B's in. I hope I can handle chemistry and calculus.