Photo Op Under Eye Brightener?


New member
Is it worth spending 18 bucks on?

And because I'm in love with M.A.C, is there anything like Photo Op that they sell that is worth buying?


Well-known member
i like this stuff, and i like adding some to the inner corner of my eyes. but if you don't want to pay the $18, don't. because any other shimmery highlighter color will do.
the photo op under eye brightener is made to give the "highlighted & lighter" illusion under your eyes. even if do or dont have dark circles it helps you look fresh and awake. it has antioxidants as well as a red wine extract to help dark circles. i love this product and the closest product to ours is laura merciers under eye brightener which is $25 i think and it is very very shimmery. the photo op is my #2 fav product...#1 being photo finish of course!

have a great day!