Pics of my new haircolor...thanks!


Active member
I did it...I went in with a pic of #30 (see my earlier post below asking for hair color advice) and I think she did pretty good matching the color to the pic. My stylist said that my hair really pulls red, so she will add more green next time around, but she did a good job of neutralizing most of it. I took some pics and uploaded them to my Fotki album if you want to's not a drastic change, but I can see lightening it up even more in the future.

The photos are in my office and it's kind of overcast today, so between that and the flourescent lighting it's kind of hard to get a true color in the pics...let me know what you think. She went with a light ash brown for the base and then brought the existing highlights up (they are VERY blonde now) and added more highlights.


Well-known member
looks great