Pictures from a shoot - felt like it didn't belong in Industry


Well-known member
Simply because Industry really focuses more on the Industry of MAC - imo. Who else would care about seeing my work than people that visit Chatter?

So I'm working with actors now and doing their headshots with a photog friend of mine using a studio for free. We're charging $120 overall - 70 for her and 50 for me. So far, we've had a lot of interest and we're hoping that people in the theatre program will be impressed enough to want to have theirs done with us.

David's a geek plain and simple. We all are, but he acts it even more. I wish I had a video of this guy just to compare, because he doesn't even look like one in these photos. He looks older thanks to his slight goatee and creative posturing. Hopefully this'll cast him into older roles - which he wants.

I'm leaving the images big. So here's a link to my Photobucket:

And for further fun: I don't want any criticism. I already see some things I'd do differently, so you don't need to point them out


Well-known member
great photos! he looks flawless, and give the photographer my kudos, the lighting looks fantastic


Well-known member
Looks good. I've got a question, though.....

Why are you only getting $50? Aren't YOU putting in just as much time and work??? In MY opinion (which may not be hers or yours), you should both be splitting it evenly


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Looks good. I've got a question, though.....

Why are you only getting $50? Aren't YOU putting in just as much time and work??? In MY opinion (which may not be hers or yours), you should both be splitting it evenly

We were going to but she felt it was unfair for her setting up, cleaning up and editing both BW and color in PS. I've been there before, it's a lot of work. As for me, I work on him for 30 minutes and he's done.

How much you charge I think really depends on where you live. If you lived in Tucson as a full time student and charged a ridiculous amount of money, 2 things would happen. 1 -You could either be hired and have high expectations 2 - You could be out of a job. Actors at the theatre also have a limit on how much they'll spend on a headshot since digital cameras make everything so cheap these days. $100 is a lot to them, yet they'll go buy the newest iPod....

On all the films I've worked on, directors will only pay me a kit fee. Some are so anal that they want a spreadsheet of how much product I used and how much the item cost me.

I can't explain this town. A lot of people seem to just expect everything for free. As soon as I buy more higher end products and put my portfolio together to show, maybe they'll pay me more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by THE ANTHEM
great photos! he looks flawless, and give the photographer my kudos, the lighting looks fantastic

Thanks! I had her turn the lights around so he wouldn't look so yellow (I've had that happen before).

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