Pigment Question


Well-known member
Originally Posted by c00ki312
is humid e/s similar to emerald green pig?

To me no. Emerald green pig is much brighter whereas Humid has more brown to it on me. However on others it might be different.


Well-known member
i just swatch compared rushmetal to copper sparkle and yes if you were comparing the two just by looking at the jars, they would be very similar but if you test them side by side on your skin, rushmetal has a more gold look to it and the copper sparkle looks more coppery. but very similar textures and color .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeatrixKiddo
Can you help me - I don't want to buy Copper Sparkle since I just bought Rushmetal - however I'm wondering which of the two is a deeper darker Copper? Also I like the texture of Rushmetal is Copper Sparkle the same?

Thanks, I hope to hear back soon =)

Is there anyway one of you could swatch these together dry and wet/ mixing medium and just quote my question. Thanks!

well I hadnt actully swatched them till just now.. coppersparkle is the true copper rushmetal is a beautiful golden copper

coppersparkle is a little bit chunkyer same texture though
in the jar they look kinda close however when I took them out and swatched them I found the two .. well two different pigments both worth having.. I guess I dont have the fall out problem most do?

anyways here you go




Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
well I hadnt actully swatched them till just now.. coppersparkle is the true copper rushmetal is a beautiful golden copper

coppersparkle is a little bit chunkyer same texture though
in the jar they look kinda close however when I took them out and swatched them I found the two .. well two different pigments both worth having.. I guess I dont have the fall out problem most do?

anyways here you go



OMG, you Rock
, I actually like Coppersparkle more!!! Thanks so very much!


Active member
Thank you to the op for posing the question and to those who have replied. I am also thinking of trying pigments so this is a great thread to refer to.

Another question, how do you use mixing medium and do you find it is needed for pigments? What is best brush for pigments?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paula3boys
Thank you to the op for posing the question and to those who have replied. I am also thinking of trying pigments so this is a great thread to refer to.

Another question, how do you use mixing medium and do you find it is needed for pigments? What is best brush for pigments?

I dont find its needed but it is useful to have, what I do and what I did for the swatchs is put 1 or 2 drops onto the brush its self and then dipped it into the pigment its self (not working from the lid) what the wetness touchs it will pick up. some people say you can use water or other substences to get the same effect, I'll adimt I've tried a few of them but none work so well as the mixing medium (it helps or seems to with less fallout once it dries it makes it stick better)

different bases have different textures and holds, I find the wash with mixing medium is one of the better ones, paint pots (new) are really good from what I've worked with them, paints are also really good if you dont use to much (if you do use to much it will be way to thick and be very hard to work with, if you take to much out dont mind whiping a bit off and throwing it away it will make your life alot easier in the long run then crying over throwing it away in the short run) cream color bases are also good.. shadesticks.. they just most of them dont have the texture to grip the loose pigment as well as the others they will work, you jsut will have more fall out then with the other bases (if you do use shadesticks heat it up with your hairdryer for about 5 - 10 seconds first to get it to go on your skin better)

good brushes for picking up loose pigments 217
239 is good as well
one I love using with mm is again the 217 and 242
272, 228, 224 and 275 are also really good
there are others that will work but those are the ones that I reach for the most when I'm working with my pigments

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