Pink Pearl Pigment


Well-known member
I saw this at the MAC counter today and thought it looked soooo pretty.
I really should've bought or at least tried it! I've never used a pigment so I wasn't sure where to start with one. Then I come home and see a tutorial from Enkore on using the Fix+ spray to mix with pigments. (Seems a lot simpler than I was making it out to be!) I actually just purchased that spray today. Now my question is, could this be a color for someone with NC20 skin, brown eyes and red hair?


Well-known member
I don't see why not

I have pink pearl and I L O V E it.
I use it second most out of my pigments
It's got a gorgeous blue sheen to it, it's beautiful.


Well-known member
Do you use a base with pigments? I've recently learned to use my Naked Lunch as one. Would that work?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by doodles
Do you use a base with pigments? I've recently learned to use my Naked Lunch as one. Would that work?

i don't like using shadows as bases (such as naked lunch), cause they end up toning the color of the top shadow down (does that make sense), unless that is what you want.

i always use a shadestick as a base. it stays creamy, so the moisture from that grabs hold of the powder shadow, keeping it its true color, or changing it if you use a colored shadestick. i would recommend beige-ing, which can be used under any color of shadow.

you can also use a paint or paint pot as a base (or alone as a shadow), but since they are cream-to-powder, you need to work quickly before it sets to powder, so that the cream phase of it grabs the shadow. otherwise, once it sets to powder, you end up toning the color down like you would if you used naked lunch as a base.

you can also mix pigments with body lotion, hair gel, and even clear or colored nail polish to make fun colors. and, depending on the color, they can be used on the eyes, lips, cheeks, and body. they are soooo mulit-purpose.

if you don't wanna spend that much on that color, it is the same color as stars 'n rockets. pink pearl is a pro color, so you can always get it from a pro store or thru the 800# if you don't wanna get it now. definately check out the pigments coming out with naughty nauticals, and freestanding stores always carry the pigments that are on the regular website.

did that help any?


Well-known member
That did help but now I don't know which one I want to pearl or stars n rockets. lol Decisions, decisions! Can you just use a regular old (clear) primer under pigments?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by doodles
That did help but now I don't know which one I want to pearl or stars n rockets. lol Decisions, decisions! Can you just use a regular old (clear) primer under pigments?

You definitely can!
I use UDPP (urban decay primer potion) under my pigments, OR for pink pearl pigment sometimes I use MACs Cream Color Base in Luna (its white) as a base. I don't like shadesticks because their consistancy in my opinion isnt as smooth as a paint or a paintpot. They are phasing out ALL shadesticks and almost all paints, so as of now Im buying Cream Color Bases from MAC and the occasional paint pot to use as bases, but 90% of the time I use a regular neutral colored primer, like UDPP.

=) If I can answer any more questions please let me know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by doodles
That did help but now I don't know which one I want to pearl or stars n rockets. lol Decisions, decisions! Can you just use a regular old (clear) primer under pigments?

I'd get pink pearl. I love Stars N Rockets but Pink Pearl is much more vibrant and it's easier to work with because of that fact.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I'd get pink pearl. I love Stars N Rockets but Pink Pearl is much more vibrant and it's easier to work with because of that fact.

I completely agree with this.
I struggeled with whether I should get pink pearl, especially since I already own stars and rockets. But I'm SO glad I got it, it's so easy to work with, and in my opinion it seems more vibrant as a pigment, Id definitely get it, and they last FOREVER
it's really fantastic, I'm so glad I bought mine.


Well-known member
Pink Pearl is LE, so get it while you can! I love it because it has this iridescent blue shimmer which is freaking cool! Definitely pick it up!


Well-known member
I tried mixing some pigments for pressing shadows the other day, and I did notice the similarities between Pink Pearl and Stars 'n Rockets. I like to add a little bit of Reflects Gold glitter and a smidge of Jardin Aires-just a very tiny bit-to tone down the blues in it. I also do a ratio of 2:3 with the Jardin Aires to make a really good blush/bronzer/highlighter.

As for what I use for a base, I use UDPP as has never failed me!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! I broke down and ordered the Pink Pearl and also got the Humid e/s (been dying to try a green!). I'm excited to start experimenting with both!


Well-known member
I love pink pearl pigment. I'm buying it on my next trip to MAC. I've seen so many people use it on YT in different ways. It's so versatile & like a chamelon depending on what you put it on top of.

It would definitely suit you!!