Originally Posted by doodles
Do you use a base with pigments? I've recently learned to use my Naked Lunch as one. Would that work?
i don't like using shadows as bases (such as naked lunch), cause they end up toning the color of the top shadow down (does that make sense), unless that is what you want.
i always use a shadestick as a base. it stays creamy, so the moisture from that grabs hold of the powder shadow, keeping it its true color, or changing it if you use a colored shadestick. i would recommend beige-ing, which can be used under any color of shadow.
you can also use a paint or paint pot as a base (or alone as a shadow), but since they are cream-to-powder, you need to work quickly before it sets to powder, so that the cream phase of it grabs the shadow. otherwise, once it sets to powder, you end up toning the color down like you would if you used naked lunch as a base.
you can also mix pigments with body lotion, hair gel, and even clear or colored nail polish to make fun colors. and, depending on the color, they can be used on the eyes, lips, cheeks, and body. they are soooo mulit-purpose.
if you don't wanna spend that much on that color, it is the same color as stars 'n rockets. pink pearl is a pro color, so you can always get it from a pro store or thru the 800# if you don't wanna get it now. definately check out the pigments coming out with naughty nauticals, and freestanding stores always carry the pigments that are on the regular website.
did that help any?